This writes the given letter in character form This is simple program to find Area and parameter of Circle, Square, Rectangle. $ pip install pyautogui
Its types the given characters automatically This program notifies you about the battery percentage This program makes a beep sounds for given miliseconds Basic Calculator with Area & Parameter. This is Basic year Calendar This Program Displays Date & Time This Program provides Meaning of the Input word This is a Graphical program, which makes a pie chart of given statistical data. This program helps us to generate Emojies This is a GUI Based Calendar, where you need to input year of which you want the calendar This is a Tkinter based GUI application program for SHA - 1 It is a tkinter Based Graphical Password Generator This is basic program to find Greatest No. Here you need to input movie name and details for the same will be shown This gives details about the country & no provider GUI Based Music Player which supports mp3 files This is a tkinter based program which draws Octagonal patterns Basic Password Generator with no GUI Basic Password Generator with no GUI This shows a graphical representation of each iteration in for loop This is a tkinter based program which draws Rainbow patterns This Program reads a file & outputs the no of lines in that file This is just a simple application program for SHA - 1 This Program takes the Screenshot of the Screen & Saves the image in the folder where file is stored. Typing Speed is calculated by using total no of words wriiten in variable time This program outputs the weather report of input city This is a timer based text, it will automatically text the other user if correct details are provided. This program helps you to download any youtube audio using the link This program helps you to download any youtube video using the link This provides a line Graph for input statistical data Input Anything and the output will contain the wikipedia information about the same Basic Password Generator Basic Rock Paper Scissor Program (text based) Text to Speech This Program Proves CPU Information This sends Notification in the system This program shortens the URL