A React Native boilerplate with Redux, Sagas, Reselect & more. The goal is to maintain an up-to-date, efficient, production-level yet easy-to-learn boilerplate to get started with cross platform apps with react-native quickly, while also keeping it simple for new developers to start learning and join on this stack.
- react
- react-native
- react-native-router-flux
- react-redux
- redux
- redux-persist - helps in persisting redux store data across sessions.
- redux-persist-transform-immutable - Add immutable sub-reducer support to redux-persist.
- redux-saga - To make asynchronous actions easier in react/redux.
- reselect - Selector Library for redux.
- immutable - Immutable data cannot be changed once created, great debugging experience.
- (more to be added soon)
To install, clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/ankitduseja/react-native-boilerplate.git
Then run npm install
to install.
Finally, To start the packager: npm start
To run the android app: react-native run-android
To the start the IOS app: react-native run-ios
- Add Integration for React Web using React Native.
- Add more examples. Make better UI of existing one's.
- Write testing script (using enzyme, mocha).
- Make Redux store persist across sessions or provide a way to persist some data of store.
- Setup scripts to create new components/containers and clean the pre-included examples to begin a clean project.
- Create tutorials explaining the project architecture.
If you would like to add something to this boilerplate, create an issue before sending a pull request. This repository is currently under active development and things will change frequently.
This repository is inspired based on the architecture of react-boilerplate (for web).