
A sql wrapper for those who have a hard time executing queries, it provides an interface to simulate common queries on a database.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This module is a wrapper aroung SQL query language, i.e an interface between the database and python.

version: v0.1


pip install sqlwrapper

What is it?

Can be used to develop a database based application quickly in python. It is a method based package, i.e you don't require the knowledge of sql language. Basically one can create a CRUD application quickly.

Currently provides an interface for Mysql, sqlite, postgresql databases. Tested for python 2.7.x


psycopg2=2.6.1 (and above)(for postgresql)(pip install psycopg2) mysqlclient=1.3.7 (and above)(for mysql Basically import MYSQLdb) (pip install MySQL-python)


Quick development of CRUD based database application No knowledge of SQL required Very easy to understang and use

Basic import

object for sqlite

>> from sqlwrapper import sqlitewrapper
>> db = sqlitewrapper()

object for Mysql

>> from sqlwrapper import mysqlwrapper
>> db = mysqlwrapper()

object for PostgreSql

>> from sqlwrapper import psqlwrapper
>> db = psqlwrapper()

Description of all the methods are in the package documentation which can be viewed from the official pypi website


Examples are in the Examples folder