
Restful services on go language

Primary LanguageGo



  • Restful APIs providing Advertisement details
  • Result contains Ad, RequestPath and Execution time, please see respective request detail below

Which APIs are exposed ?

Advertisement Resources

GET RandomAd

GET RandomCategoryAd

GET SearchTextCategoryAd

Modules Used

  • net/http
  • log
  • time
  • io/ioutil
  • os
  • encoding/json
  • math/rand
  • strings
  • regexp
  • testing
  • net/http/httptest

Project Structure

    │   ├───config
    │   │       └───dbConfig.go
    │   │
    │   ├───handler
    │   │       ├───adHandler.go
    │   │       ├───chainHandler.go
    │   │       └───regexHandler.go
    │   │
    │   ├───model
    │   │       ├───ad.go
    │   │       ├───adCategory.go
    │   │       ├───adStore.go
    │   │       └───responseEntity.go
    │   │
    │   ├───repo
    │   │      └───adRepository.go
    │   │
    │   └───util
    │          └───adUtility.go
    │                ├───adHandlerIntegration_test.go
    │                ├───adUtility_test.go
    │                ├───assertionUtility_test.go
    │                ├───ads.json
    │                └───adRepository_test.go
    │           ├───random_ad.md
    │           ├───random_category_ad.md
    │           └───searchtext_category_ad.md


  • requestValidatorHandler: Validates the HTTP request method, for this example only GET Method is allowed
  • traceableHandler: Traces all incoming HTTP requests with request path, method and execution timing
  • headersHandler: Adds http response header, In this example Content-Type header is added as application/json
  • regexpHandler: A pattern matcher for redirecting http requests to respective ad handler
  • adHandler: Advertisement handlers which is responsible for fetching requested resource and write to response

How to run ?

go run main.go

Application runs on port 8080 defined in main.go