
A basic example of kafka stream application.

Primary LanguageJava


A basic example of kafka stream application for computing what is the compartment load of a running train. Its just a play app to learn a bit about kafka stream.

How to run

running a fat jar locally

  • Use gradle shadow target to generate the executable jar file, i.e.: gradle clean shadowJar.
  • An executable jar can be found on build/libs/kafka-streams-train-occupancy-example-all.jar
  • Run: java -jar kafka-streams-train-occupancy-example-all.jar -P application.properties
  • Note: an example application.properties is located in main resources folder.
  • Or: java -jar kafka-streams-train-occupancy-example-all.jar -P application.properties -B -IT input_topic -OT output_topic.
  • Note: If you want to override the default properties in application.properties you can use the flag -B for boot server, -IT for input topic, -OT for output topic.

Running via docker image

  • execute build.sh
  • Run: docker run -d -e B=[bootstrap server address] -e IT=[input Topic name] -e OT=[output topic name] --name [name of the container] train-occupancy-example
  • Note: The environment variables are completely optional

The input for this project is generated by project https://github.com/ankitgit/train-passanger-stat-generator