
This repository contains GSoC final reports submitted by various aspirants across the years

MIT LicenseMIT

GSoC Final Reports Archive

This repository contains GSoC final reports submitted by various aspirants across the years.
NOTE - This repo is not affiliated with Google or Google Summer of Code

Basic Layout of the repository

  • Root folder contains years of GSoC respectively
  • Every year folder contains a README.md file, which has a table. Please add the details accordingly.
  • Make sure you add your name in alphabetical order.
    |- README.md

Contribution to the project

We follow a systematic Git Workflow -

  • Create a fork of this repo.
  • Clone your fork of your repo on your pc.
  • Add Upstream to your clone
  • Every change that you do, it has to be on a branch. Commits on master would directly be closed.
  • Make sure that before you create a new branch for new changes,syncing with upstream is neccesary.


  • Write clear meaningful git commit messages (Do read this).