
This project demonstrates reference deployment of OTP API.

Primary LanguageJava

Client Application to simulate OTP Request API flow


This is a Spring boot application which can be used to generate OTP on the registered mobile number corresponding to the Staging UID.

Minimum Requirements

  • Java 8
  • Maven 3.6.1

Steps to run

Clone the repo and resolve dependencies. Then, assign appropriate values to constants as follows-
  • In application.properties
    • signatureFile - Change the path of 'PublicAUAforStagingServices.p12' file according to your local repository folder location.
Run the application
  • Flow starts from OtpAPIClientMain.java which takes Staging UID as input in commandline.
  • A random String (transaction Id) is also generated. You can use any transaction Id.
  • The application will then create the signed OTP Request xml and makes call to OTP Request API.
  • OTP Response xml (with same transaction Id as in request) will be parsed and result, error (if any) will get printed.
  • For a successful response, you will get an OTP on phone linked with staging UID.


If you have any doubts around it, feel free to post those on UIDAI hackathon forum