Auto generate database structure, GraphQL resolvers and queries from GraphQL types 🚀. See documentation for usage and more.
WIP: In progress.
Graphback can be hard and intimidating initially. Graphback helps you to kickstart your experience with any existing GraphQL implementation by generating backend layer using your predefined types.
- Generates required queries and mutations automatically using proven GraphQL patterns
- Generates unopiniated resolvers layer using
- Generates database DDL statements that can be used to store data (optional)
Plain and most canonical GraphQL implementation Generated resolvers will work with plain GraphQL solutions.
Works out of the box with Apollo GraphQL
Full freedom - generated resources can be edited and reconfigured later
Custom directives out of the box Provides set of useful directives and input types that are resolving standard use cases
Auto generated schema basing on best GraphQL patterns
Pick your own server framework and clients (works with Apollo Express and Hapi)
Pick your own database Solution abstract from database storage possibly allows to support any existing storage, by implementing available interface
See contribution guidelines file for more information
Licensed under the APLv2.