
Power BI Embedded Contoso Sales Demo is a demo application which showcases Power BI Embedded capabilities

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ContosoSalesDemo is an application based on Power BI embedded analytics, demonstrating a sales management portal. The application empowers salespeople and sale managers to make business decisions based on data. Salespeople can monitor and track sales, leads, opportunities and accounts, and manage their calendars. Sale managers can view a summary of the salesforce performance, including sales history and individual accounts. The application also enables managers to provide salespeople with data driven insights, assisting them with their decision making.

Embedded analytics features

This section lists the embedded analytics features demonstrated by the ContosoSalesDemo application.

UI features

Users can do the following in the application’s user interface:

  • Show/hide visuals.

  • Change the layout of report visuals.

  • Enable or disable Q&A support in the report.

  • Apply custom themes to the embedded report, during runtime.


ContosoSalesDemo functionalities based on embedded analytics:

  • Exporting reports to PDF, PPT and PNG formats.

  • Showing edit options in the visual context menu.

  • Binding custom actions to button clicks.

  • Editing (insert/update) data in a table using writeback operations. In the ContosoSalesDemo application you can add data to a database directly from the UI.

  • Service Principal based authentication. This authentication method is recommended for accessing Power BI and Common Data Service REST APIs.


ContosoSalesDemo integration with other Microsoft databases and libraries:

  • Common Data Service. The application’s integration can be extended to other databases.

  • Microsoft.Identity.Web, used for service principal authentication.


Cloud resources

Azure Power BI CDS
App Service for hosting the application

Key Vault for storing certificates/secrets

Azure AD app for creating Service Principal object

Application Insights for telemetry
Power BI Service license for hosting report

Power BI Embedded capacity for embedding report
Dynamics 365 license for using CDS as data source



Software Dependencies

Client-side Server-side
.NET 5

SDK/ API references

Power BI CDS
Power BI SDK Create entity
Update entity

Browser support

  • Microsoft Edge Chromium

  • Google Chrome


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This project is licensed under the MIT license - see LICENSE