Create Telegram Uploader Bot V4 ❤️

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URL Uᴘʟᴏᴀᴅᴇʀ ʙᴏᴛ V4 🚀


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Typing SVG

Typing SVG


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How To Deploy Heroku

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How To Deploy Render

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  • Runtime : Python 3
  • Build Command : pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Start Command : gunicorn app:app & python3 bot.py

How To Create YouTube Video

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Heroku Video

how to create

Render Video

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Environment Variable

Tap On Me For Environment Variable

  • APP_ID Get it From mytelegram.org

  • API_HASH Get it From mytelegram.org

  • BOT_TOKEN Get it from @Botfather

  • DATABASE_URL Get It From MongoDB Web Check How To Make MONGODB URL or YouTube

  • OWNER_ID Your telegram I'd use this bot @UploadLinkToFileBot and use /info

  • LOG_CHANNEL Create a Private Channel and Send Any Message To That Channel and Forward to @MissRose_bot to Get Channel Id

  • UPDATES_CHANNEL Get it From @MissRose_bot

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