
python data structures with redis backend

Primary LanguagePython

Python Data Structures with Redis Persistence

The idea is to have python native data structures with redis persistence.

Lists, Dictionaries, sets, for now are good. The main purpose is to use this in the day long workshops for introducing kids to Python language.

Inspiration came from observing a javascript workshop for kids which used firebase backend and kids build interactive mini games and features on top of real time database. It is empowering for young folks to be able to build something and not yet get into the complexities of learning about database and ORMs (and things like that). They just wrote code in javascripts and assumed their native datastructures (json mainly) is synced with everyone.

The goal for this project is to allow for similar kids workshops where everyone can build something interesting by writing plain python code. Code that uses python datastructures like lists and dictionaries. These dictionaries can be synced real time and available to others as well.


This project is "alpha" and is subject to drastic change, including breaking of API compabilitiy.