
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Upgrade-able Smart Contract (EIP 2535)

In this project i have implemented the EIP-2535 standard also known as Diamond upgrade-ablility. I have done this using the Diamond Storage architecture, Other
forms of storage architecture have some drawback or the other:

  • Unstructured Storage: Getter and setter needs to be set for each storage variable
  • Inherited Storage: Facets become tightly coupled with with the proxy contract
  • Eternal Storage: Works for simple values but not for arrays and mappings

Because of a change in the way solidity's assembly, yul is writter which lets us
explicitly set the slot location in the evm of the storage/proxy contract. The way this works is
by using assembly we can set the slot of a given struct, by just inheriting this parent contract
and setting the slot everytime before accessing the values in the struct solves all the above problems.

contract Diamond{
    bytes32 constant DIAMOND_STORAGE_POSITION = keccak256("diamond.standard.diamond.storage");
    struct DiamondStorage {
        uint256 counter;
        mapping(bytes4 => FacetAddressAndSelectorPosition) facetAddressAndSelectorPosition;
        bytes4[] selectors;
        // admin A, admin B, Diamond admin
        address DiamondAdmin;
        address AdminA;
        address AdminB;

    function diamondStorage()
        returns (DiamondStorage storage ds)
        bytes32 position = DIAMOND_STORAGE_POSITION;
        assembly {
            ds.slot := position

Now every facet that is deployed will access data this way and each of it's functions selectors
will be stored in a mapping of Function Selector hashes to address on which
the function exits. This is done by addFunctions function on the diamond contract:

    function addFunctions(
        address _facetAddress,
        bytes4[] memory _functionSelectors
    ) external diamondAdminOnly {
        DiamondStorage storage ds = diamondStorage();
        uint16 selectorCount = uint16(ds.selectors.length);
        for (
            uint256 selectorIndex;
            selectorIndex < _functionSelectors.length;
        ) {
            bytes4 selector = _functionSelectors[selectorIndex];
            address oldFacetAddress = ds
                ] = FacetAddressAndSelectorPosition(

Upgrading of contracts can be done by calling the replaceFunctions function on Diamond.sol:

    function replaceFunctions(
        address _facetAddress,
        bytes4[] memory _functionSelectors
    ) external diamondAdminOnly {
        DiamondStorage storage ds = diamondStorage();
        for (
            uint256 selectorIndex;
            selectorIndex < _functionSelectors.length;
        ) {
            bytes4 selector = _functionSelectors[selectorIndex];
            address oldFacetAddress = ds
            // replace old facet address
                .facetAddress = _facetAddress;
