A creative, detail-oriented full-stack developer at SAS Tech Studio. Naturally inclined toward science and technology.
Masai SchoolNoida, UP, India
ankitpatel-akp4's Followers
- Abhi0049k@kalvium
- Abhirn007
- Aman9723@The-Matrix-Labs
- bahomaid23Yemen
- bh717Remote
- Charles-ChrismannInstitut de l'Internet et du Multimédia (IIM)
- connectit2anandBengaluru
- decoderwhoami
- esin
- ethanflower1903san francisco
- Gaurav-hub-stack
- JacksonUptainIndependant
- jaglux12PizzaCode
- JubayerRiyadJubayer Riyad
- Julius-Hamilton
- kidde60Microverse
- lasse717FullStack Developer
- linddev0209
- littlepanda225
- mbahomaidYemen
- mkcreatorMujeeb Ullah
- MKRLancerBerlin of Germany
- MohdElyas19Bishnupur, Manipur
- mustafacagriPitcherAG
- Nakshatra05Delhi, India
- OfficialCodeVoyageDallas, TX
- Rodrigo-SarmentoUninassau
- SacredShiner
- sandeshjadhav5Masai School
- standardgalacticXanadu
- Thuotracy@codekenya
- toptalhook
- trendy0413Individual & Passionate Developer
- tulna07Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- V1nni00Bhiwani Students Club