Rumour Source Detection - Social Network Analysis

This project is Done under the Department of Computer Science and Engineereing, NIT Silchar.

Description: Rumour Source Detection

Aim :-To identifying the source of rumour in a large-scale social network where internode relationship strengths are random.


It proposes a Two-stage algorithm to locate the source of rumour.
The algorithm uses the social network's modularity to find the rumour’s source
with fewer sensor nodes compared to other algorithms.

  1.The first stage identifying the most probable cluster 
     containing the rumor source.

 2.The second stage estimating the source from nodes in the identified cluster .<br>

Experimental evaluations with data shows that the Two stage algorithm outperforms the other available algorithms in terms of - 1.Accuracy of localizing the source.

   2.It can determine the actual source within two hops 69-80% of time.