Textbase: Building Chatbots with NLP and ML


Textbase is a powerful framework for building chatbots using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) technologies. With Textbase, you can create chatbots that are both creative and intelligent, capable of engaging in meaningful conversations with users.


My contribution

  • In my opinion, the textbase library already had everything needed, except for a database. So, for an AI library, I introduced an AI database.
  • MindsDB abstracts LLMs, time series, regression, and classification models as virtual tables (AI-Tables). Using familiar SQL statements to interact with AI Tables increases accessibility within organizations, enabling development teams to easily level-up their existing skills for building and maintaining AI/ML applications.
  • We can use MindsDB to store user chats, train AI models on this data, and understand user behaviors. This can enable us to provide future chat suggestions and recommendations based on their preferences.


  • we can use Mindsdb to store and train a large amount of data on our AI model.
  • We can fuse many famous personalities who have been passed away right now and talk to them and see how would have they responded.
  • for example we can talk to newton and tell him that mankind has invented rocket to fly to moon and see what it responds.
  • So what next Harry potter physics teacher or a tommy pet dog who could talk if he could or a birdie physics teacher who can teach us how to fly , there is no limit to our imaginatioon and limit on the power of AI.

Getting Started

To use MindsDB in your Textbase chatbot, follow these steps:

1. Create a MindsDB Model

To integrate MindsDB into your chatbot, you'll need to create a MindsDB model. Use the following SQL query to create your model:

CREATE MODEL mindsdb.yenstein
PREDICT response
engine = 'openai',
max_tokens = 300,
-- api_key = "not to reveal api key",
model_name = 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
temperature: 0.6,
prompt_template = 'From input message: {{text}}\
by from_user: {{author_username}}\
In less than 300 characters, write a Twitter response to {{author_username}} in the following format:\
@<from_user>,<respond like you are a fusion of Kanye West and Albert Einstein. Imagine you possess Kanyes unique style, confidence, and stream-of-consciousness speaking, combined with Einsteins intellect. Use inventive language and metaphors to express ideas with depth. Youre known for controversial insights and intellectual brilliance. Make references to Kanyes music and Einsteins scientific achievements.'
as my contributionn

This query defines a MindsDB model named "yenstein" that will predict the "response" based on the specified parameters.

for example run a following example query and check if our database is responding correctly =>


That's it! Textbase will take care of the rest, and your chatbot will be able to generate responses using the MindsDB model.


Make sure you have Python version >= 3.9.0 installed. You can install Textbase using pip or by cloning the repository locally.

Install via pip

pip install textbase-client

Local Installation

Clone the repository and install the dependencies using Poetry:

git clone https://github.com/cofactoryai/textbase
cd textbase
poetry shell
poetry install

Start Development Server

Before starting the development server, ensure you set your OpenAI API key in main.py.

Run the following command to start the development server:

  • If installed locally:

    poetry run python textbase/textbase_cli.py test
  • If installed via pip:

    textbase-client test

Future Updates/Ambitions

  • my ambition related to this project is integrating it to the twitter(now x.com) which can tweet when tagged and spread knowledge in the form of fun.

You will receive a link in the command line. Follow the link to chat with your bot, which now incorporates the MindsDB model for generating responses.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or create a pull request to improve Textbase and its integration with MindsDB.

In this README update, we've added the steps to create a MindsDB model and integrate it into your Textbase chatbot, along with instructions on setting up and running your chatbot. Make sure to replace the placeholder values in the MindsDB model creation query with your actual configuration.