Stock Class have these details stock id (unique : string), stock name (string), company name(string) , price (double), closing date (Date) , quantity (int)


  1. Add stock in application. Accepted all the stock details & inserted it in the DS Ensure no duplicate stock ids. Add a validation rule that stock closing date must be a future date. In case of invalid inputs , throw custom exception & handle it.

  2. View Stock by Company Name. input : company name Output is all the stocks published by that company.

  3. Purchase Stock. input : stock id , quantity In case of invalid stock id or insufficient available quantity , throw custom exception , with suitable error message. In case of success , update stock quantity suitably.

  4. Sell Stock. input : stock id , quantity In case of invalid stock id throw custom exception , with suitable error message. In case of success , update stock quantity suitably.

  5. Save and Exit (Serialization) save all stock details in a binary file (filename.ser), using serialization.