Currency Search Web App

A simple web application built with React that allows users to search for countries based on their currency code. The application features a search box with Debouncing functionality, country cards, and pagination for easy navigation.

Deploy Link / Live Link.

Presentation Link.


1. Search Box

  • Input field for users to enter a currency code.
  • Debouncing functionality to enhance user experience and reduce API requests. Search Box

2. Country Cards

  • Displays information about countries using the entered currency code.
  • Each card includes the country name, capital, continent, and a flag image. Country Cards

3. Pagination

  • Paginates the list of countries to show a limited number per page (4 countries per page).
  • Allows users to navigate through pages. Pagination

Code Structure

The application is structured with three main components:

1. Main Component

Main component responsible for managing the state, handling API requests, and rendering other components.

2. Card Component

Card component responsible for displaying information about countries.

3. Heading Component

Heading component to display during the mount phase or when there is no data.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install dependencies with npm install.
  3. Run the application with npm start.