Ethereum and CCXT Assignment API Documentation

The Ethereum and CCXT API provides endpoints to interact with the Ethereum network and access information from cryptocurrency exchanges using the CCXT library.

For setup

Download the repository as a zip file:

a. On the repository page, click the "Code" button and then select "Download ZIP." b. Save the zip file to a location on your computer.

Extract the zip file:

a. Navigate to the location where you saved the downloaded zip file. b. Right-click the zip file and select "Extract All..." c. Choose a destination folder for the extracted files.

NPM Setup:

Ensure Node.js and NPM are installed:

a. Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system. You can download them from

Install dependencies:

a. Open a terminal and navigate to the project folder (the one where you extracted the downloaded zip file). b. Run the following command to install the required dependencies:

npm install

Run the Application:

  • Start the application:
  • After the dependencies are installed, you can start the application using the following command:
npm start
  • Access the API: Once the application is running, you can access the API endpoints you defined in your code. Open a web browser or use tools like Postman to make GET requests to the endpoints.

This documentation outlines the available endpoints and their usage.

Table of Contents

Ethers Endpoints

Validate Address

Check whether a given Ethereum address is valid.

  • Endpoint: /ethers/validate/:address
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
    • address (string): The Ethereum address to validate

Create Wallet

Generate a new Ethereum wallet address.

  • Endpoint: /ethers/create-wallet

  • Method: GET

  • Response:

      "wallet": {
        "_isSigner": true,
        "address": "0xd30858945AD8108fF8e236Ad8F0508834839611A",
        "provider": null

Latest Transactions

Retrieve the latest 1000 Ethereum transactions, sorted by ether quantity.

  • Endpoint: /ethers/latest-transactions
  • Method: GET

CCXT Endpoint

List Tradable Coins

Get a list of symbols of tradable cryptocurrencies.

  • Endpoint: /ccxt/tradable-coins

  • Method: GET

  • Response:

    ["ETH", "BTC"]

Average Coin Prices

Get the average price of coins from a cryptocurrency exchange.

  • Endpoint: /ccxt/average-prices
  • Method: GET


To use the API, make requests to the appropriate endpoints using the provided methods. Refer to each endpoint's documentation for specific parameter details and request methods. Example Requests

Validate Address:

GET /ethers/validate/0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678

Create Wallet:

GET /ethers/create-wallet

Latest Transactions:

GET /ethers/latest-transactions
  • Response:

            "hash": "0x...",
            "sender": "0x...",
            "receiver": "0x...",
            "amount": "0.12345",
            "blockNumber": 123456

List Tradable Coins:

GET /ccxt/tradable-coins
  • Response
        "tradableCoins": [

Average Coin Prices:

GET /ccxt/average-prices
  • Response

        "averagePrices": {
            "ETH/BTC": "0.06304645",
            "LTC/BTC": "0.00283988",
            "BNB/BTC": "0.00835282",
            "NEO/BTC": "0.00029212",
            "QTUM/ETH": "0.00140760",
            "EOS/ETH": "0.00039760",
            "SNT/ETH": "0.00001371",