
In the age of technology, ecommerce platforms are pivotal globally; analyzing ecommerce data from 1916 to 2016, we explore key performance indicators (KPIs) and trends, utilizing various visualizations such as combo, waterfall, doughnut, map, and horizontal bar charts to examine sales, profit, quantity, orders, profit margins, category-wise profits



Now in this Technology Driven world, Ecommerce Platform Plays very Important Role to our Needs, our country neeeds and entire world.

The word commerce is the basic concept for electronic commerce, pertaining to buying and selling of goods while 'commercial' denotes business practice and activities intended to make profits. Electronic commerce, like any other business, deals with the exchange of money for soft or hard goods and services.Kalakota and Whintons in 1997 defined the term E-commerce from different perspectives. These perspectives are:

• Communication

• Business Process

• Service

• Online

Communication Perspective: According to this perspective, E-commerce is the delivery of information, product/services or payments over telecommunication channels, computer networks or any other electronic mode of communication.

Business Process Perspective: This says that E-commerce is the application of technology towards the automation of business transactions and work flow.

Service Perspective: E-commerce is defined as a tool that addresses the desire of firms, consumers and management to cut service cost while improving the quality of goods/services and increasing the speed of service delivery.

Online Perspective: E-commerce provides the capability of buying and selling products and information on the internet and other online services.

So here we Analyze the Ecommerce data sets which contains the record from 1916 to 2016.


o	KPI’s Having Total Values and their YOY Growth:-
            o Sales 
            o Profit
            o Quantity
            o No. Of Orders
            o Profit Margin
o	Showing Relation Between Profit and Sales using Combo Plot (Area + Bar Chart). 

o	Using Waterfall chart Comapring the Profit of each Category of Products with Grand Total. 

o	Using Doughnut chart Comaparing Market share of each Category of Products.

o	State Wise Sales using Map Chart.

o       Top Five Sub Category with their Sales Using Horizontal Bar Chart.

o       Using Some Filters like Years, Segments, Region 

Prior Knowledge


Quick Start

Must begin with every sheet of of Excell then in last come to sheet which present the dashboard: 1.Every sheet of Represent represent different things like Sum of Profit and Sales, Quantity, No of Orders, Profit Margin etc. with different varities of Visualization Graph. 2.Each column of dataset holds the value for a particular category. The data below is an example of properly formatted data.



👨 About This Project

Here Basically we analysis the data by-

  1. Sales
  2. Profit
  3. Quantity
  4. No. Of Orders
  5. Profit Margin

Project Link

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Ecommerce Sales Analysis Project Link

🛠 Skills Learn From this Project

• Data Gathering, Cleaning and Filtering.
• Data Visualization.
• Analysizing Trend by closely watching the actual Data.

⛳ Conclusion

Ten lines of insight and conclusion that could be drawn from the given Ecommerce Data Analysis project:

• The sales revenue for the ecommerce company has been steadily increasing year-over-year, which suggests that the business is growing.
• Customers are more likely to make purchases in the months of November and December, likely due to holiday shopping.
• The "standard class" ship mode is the most commonly used shipping method among customers.
• The company's most profitable product categories are technology and office supplies, while furniture has the lowest profit margins.
• Customers located in the Eastern region of the country make the most purchases, while the Southern region has the lowest sales.
• The company's most popular sub-categories are binders and paper, while the least popular are copiers and machines.
• Customers in the corporate segment make the most purchases, while home office customers make the least.
• Discounts are used most frequently for the office supplies and furniture categories.
• The company experiences a significant loss in profits when discounts are applied to products, particularly in the technology category.
• There are several areas where the company could optimize its operations, such as by reducing discounts on technology products or increasing sales in underperforming regions.

Based on the insights gathered from the Ecommerce Data Analysis project, it can be concluded that the ecommerce company is performing well overall, with steady sales growth year-over-year. However, there are areas where the company could improve its profitability, such as reducing discounts on technology products, optimizing shipping costs, and increasing sales in underperforming regions.

The project also reveals that the company's most profitable product categories are technology and office supplies, while furniture has the lowest profit margins. This information can help the company focus its resources on its most profitable areas and adjust its pricing strategies for less profitable products.

Additionally, the project highlights that the company's customers are most active during the months of November and December, indicating that the holiday season is a critical time for sales. The project also provides insights into customer behavior, such as the most commonly used shipping method and popular product sub-categories.

Overall, the Ecommerce Data Analysis project provides valuable insights that can be used to inform the company's strategic decisions and optimize its operations to improve profitability and better serve its customers.