A simple and approximate language, developed as a variant of BrainFuck Language. Instead of a static array[30,000], initialised with 0, we use a [0]*300 list, This is a simple List in Python. This helps save memory.
PS: Since the '[ ]' loop in BrainFuck confuses me a Lot-Lot, ie. the Programming Part
so, i removed that and instead worked on a normal tape and ASCII/Number i/p,o/p.
It also has a jumping Goto statement.
'<' : Move_Left on tape.
'>' : Move_Right o tape.
'+' : Increment_Value_Of_The_Current_Cell by 1
'-' : Decerement_Value_Of_The_Current_Cell by 1
'![n]' : n=[0,9]. If the current cell is non-zero, jump to the "nth" instruction.
',' : Take in the Numerical value.
'a' : Print_The_ASCII_Character
'.' : Print_The_#_Value
'i' : Take in the ASCII value and assign it to the cell on the tape.
A New Cell Initialisation is initialised with 0 ie. ASCII for NULL.
Since it is a static structure without any loop. Pre Initialised 300*[0] list.
ASCII_Codes_Basic: [0->255]
7: 'Bell'
8: 'Backspace'
9: 'Horizontal_Tab'
11: 'Vertical_Tab'
32: 'Space'
{48-57}: [0-9]
{65-90}: [A-Z]
{97-122}: [a-z]
For further description of ASCII-Specific decimal values please check:
To use it, open your command line in the proper directory and
run :
"python brocode.py [brocodeplaintext]"
eg: Code for Multipliation: ,>,<->->+>+<<!6>>-<<+>>!16<<<!4>>.
save in: mul.bro
O/P : "python brocode.py mul.bro"
Some Examples can be found in the Example Folder. Quite Straight Forward.