
An ok-ish blog theme for Hugo based on Vanilla

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Ok-ish Blog Hugo Theme

An ok-ish blog theme based on Vanilla. The theme is responsive and supports multi-language mode, multiple authors, and a few more. It's suitable for all types of blog posts.

Screenshot of the theme


  • Support I18n
  • Support Taxonomies
  • Optimized for accessibility and SEO
  • Google site: Search
  • Google Analytics
  • Share links (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn)
  • Disqus Comments
  • Provide meta tags for Open Graph, Twitter Card, and Schema.org

Getting Started

I assume that you already have a Hugo site project. If not, you can create one by following Quick Start.

To use the theme, add it to your site's theme directory:

git submodule add https://github.com/kongdivin/hugo-theme-okayish-blog.git themes/hugo-theme-okayish-blog

Then tell Hugo to use hugo-theme-okayish-blog by adding/updating the following in config.toml

# File: config.toml

theme = "hugo-theme-okayish-blog"

Cloning an existing repository

If you have an existing repository that was setup with the steps above, you have to pull in the theme submodule after cloning your repository using the following command:

git submodule update --init


Head over to Content Managment to learn more how to manage your content.


# File: config.toml

baseURL = "https://example.com"
languageCode = "en-us"
defaultContentLanguage = "en-us"
title = "Your site's title"
copyright = "© 2020 Title"
theme = "hugo-theme-okayish-blog"

# Provide this id to enable Google Analytics
googleAnalytics = "UA-xxxxxxxxx-x"

# Provide the shortname to enable Disqus comments
disqusShortname = "ok-ish-blog"

# These will be used for OpenGraph, Twitter Card and Schema.org
description = "Your site's description"
keywords = ["some", "keywords", "for", "your", "site"]
images = ["/images/banner.png"]

# This is the number of terms within a taxonomy per page
termsPaginate = 50
# Enable/disable share links (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn)
shareLinksEnabled = true
# Enable/disable Google Analytics in local server
gaLocalEnabled = false

category = "categories"
tag = "tags"

# Add `author` under `[taxonomies]` as below
# so that you can provide metadata for each author
# See: https://gohugo.io/content-management/taxonomies/#add-custom-metadata-to-a-taxonomy-term
author = "authors"

# Add menu items to the navigation bar as below.
# N.B. Use identifiers as the keys for translations.

identifier = "authors"
name = "Authors"
url = "/authors"

identifier = "categories"
name = "Categories"
url = "/categories"

# For i18n support, add the language codes here
# and provide translations in `i18n` folder. E.g., `i18n/en-US.toml`

languageName = "English (US)"

languageName = "ភាសាខ្មែរ"

These configurations are the main ones. For more, please check Configure Hugo.

Custom Home Page

The default homepage is showing the list of pages in the main sections. In case you want a custom homepage, you can create layouts/index.html. For example,

<!-- File: layouts/index.html -->

{{ define "main"}}
<h1>My New Home Page</h1>
{{ end }}

Since the theme is using Vanilla. You can use all its available components. See its docs for more details. Need inspirations? There you go, https://vanillaframework.io/showcase.

Custom Style

To provide a custom stylesheet, create layouts/partials/head-extension.html in your site directory to override the one the theme's created. Then put the link to your stylesheet in that file. For example,

<!-- File: layouts/partials/head-extension.html -->

<link href={{ "css/custom.css" | relURL }} rel="stylesheet"><link />


If you spot any bugs, please use Issue Tracker. Or if you want to add a new feature directly, please create a new Pull Request.

Okayish Blog Theme Users

I would love to see how you use the theme and what you're writing about. If you want to share it, kindly add your blog to the list. Thank you!


Licensed under The MIT License.