An Online Algorithm for Constrained Face Clustering in Videos

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An Online Algorithm for Constrained Face Clustering in Videos

FACENET features represent faces very effectively using 108 dimensional features. We use the FACENET features, along with the must-link and cannot-link constraints from videos, for clustering the faces in an Online fashion.

Link to paper: https://github.com/ankuPRK/COFC/blob/master/ICIP/kulshreshtha_ICIP.pdf

The code used in ICIP publication was a bit complicated and scattered, with shot-detection using Johan Mathe's ShotDetect, face detection using the faces provided in the datasets, or using a C++ code, and the Online Clustering was in Python. This made the whole thing messy. So I have re-implemented the algorithm entirely in Python, and it can be run from commandline on a given video file.

To download the code and view all the arguments:

$ git clone https://github.com/ankuPRK/COFC
$ cd COFC
$ python run_COFC_on_video.py --help


usage: run_COFC_on_video.py [-h] [-vp VID_PATH] [-sd SAVE_DIR]
                            [-ft FEAT_THRESH] [-ot OVERLAP_THRESH]
                            [-st SIM_THRESH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -vp VID_PATH        Path to the video file
  -sd SAVE_DIR        Directory path for saving the output
  -ft FEAT_THRESH     Threshold of distance bw features to belong to different
  -ot OVERLAP_THRESH  Threshold of overlap above which two faces in
                      consecutive frames will belong to same track
  -st SIM_THRESH      Threshold of Similarity for facetracks to belong to a

Hence, you can run the algorithm on a video file. The output directory will contain one folder corresponding to each cluster, and then in each folder it will have all the faces belonging to that cluster. The algorithm is highly sensitive to SIM_THRESH. Its value ranges between (0.0, 4.0). Increasing beyond 3.2 will create a lot of clusters, each person will be split into multiple clusters. On the other hand, keeping it below say 2.8 will create less clusters but each cluster will have faces of multiple characters.

$ python run_COFC_on_video.py -vp <path_to_video> -sd <path_to_save_dir> -ft 1.0 -ot 0.85 -st 3.0