
A template for developing TypeScript project, with sensible defaults

Primary LanguageShell

TypeScript Template

A template for developing TypeScript projects, with sensible defaults.

Getting Started

Click the Use this template button at the top of the page to create a new repository with this repo as the initial state.

Sensible Defaults

This template comes with sensible default configurations in the following files:

├── .commitlintrc.yml
├── .editorconfig
├── .eslintignore
├── .eslintrc.yml
├── .gitignore
├── .lintstagedrc.yml
├── .prettierignore
├── .prettierrc.yml
├── .yarnrc.yml
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
└── tsconfig.prod.json


See the scripts section in the package.json file.


MIT © Paul Razvan Berg