
Docker from pyhton 3.6.8 and host django 2.2.5 using circus, nginx and wsgi on linux system.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

nginx <=> uwsgi <=> django + circus

Create Docker from pyhton 3.6.8 and host django 2.2.5 using circus, nginx and wsgi on linux system.


  • Docker installed on your system

Getting started

  1. Download repo.
  2. Copy all contents to your root folder
  3. Update Dokerfile, and files in docker_configs folder as per req
  4. Update .dockerignore file to exclude files from going to docker image

Running docker

To create docker image:

docker image build -t <dokername>:<tagname> .

eg. sudo docker image build -t bulletinboard:1.0 .

To run docker:

sudo docker run <dokername>:<tagname>