
A simple repository to fetch User's current location without permission requirement.

Primary LanguageJava


Getting started

This library allows you to find the user's approx location based on network call. No Location specific permission check required. Simple and Easy!

This library DO NOT need following permissions

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />

To get started with RoughLocations, you'll need to get add the dependency to your project's (app level) build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    //other dependencies
    implementation 'info.ankurpandya.roughlocation:roughlocation:1.0.4'

and sync up your project. If you get error Could not resolve all files while gralde Sync, then make sure you have added jcenter() repositories in your Projet level build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        //other repositories

Good. Now you are all set to use RoughLocations.

Retrieving Rough Location

In order to retrieve the location, call this method:

RoughLocationFetcher.getLocationInBackground(context, new LocationListener() {
   public void onLocationReceived(RoughLocation roughLocation) {
       //handle location success

   public void onLocationFailed() {
       //handle location failed

   public void onNetworkError() {
       //handle network error

The response in RoughLocation object contains following information:

"status": "success",
"country": "Singapore",
"countryCode": "SG",
"region": "",
"regionName": "",
"city": "Queenstown Estate",
"zip": "",
"latitude": 1.12954,
"longitude": 143.79,
"timezone": "Asia/Singapore",
"isp": "StarHub Cable Vision Ltd",
"autonomousSystem": "AS55987 Starhub Ltd",
"query": ""

As the name suggests, this location is approximate and totally based on internet setting of user. If the User is using VPN or network configurations, the response may not show the correct information.


In order to enable the logs, use this:



Check the demo app for more details.