
User Management application

Primary LanguageJava

User Management Rest Api using Spring

Building the Project

  • JDK 8
  • Running the standard maven build : mvn clean install
  • Building in eclipse : Create a new Maven run configuration and set the :
    • Base directory to: ${project_loc}
    • Goals: clean install

Project Modules

Module Description
um-common-client holds common, generic infrastructure to build a client for the REST API
um-common-test holds common testing infrastructure that it not domain specific
um-common holds common, generic infrastructure (utilities, abstract classes, etc) that are not domain specific
um-client holds the actual domain-specific client logic
um-ui holds the simple front-end app
um-webapp holds the actual, domain specific REST API
The front-end artifacts

  • Main front-end HTML file - index.html
  • A simple template file - home.html
  • Main JS file - hello.js

Note: It is a plain vanilla AngularJS front end for consuming the server side APIs and rendering the data on screen.

Domain Model

User *->* Role *->* Privilege

Layers of the Application

  1. The Persistence layer
  2. The Service layer
  3. The Web / API layer

Persistence Setup

The project uses the H2 in-memory DB and persistence-h2.properties

Application Bootstrap

SecuritySetup class will run during the bootstrap process of Spring and will create some setup data - Privileges, Roles and Users


The parent pom defines the versions of all dependencies and some default plugins and plugin configuration. The sub-modules inherit this config and define their own specific pom config in addition to it.