The best code is the one that is not written; next best code is written and maintained by dependable maintainers. ♥️
ankush's Following
- AirbladerConfluent
- akhilnarang@frappe
- AlexanderPolyakovRoblox
- apavloCarnegie Mellon University
- bashbunni~
- bhavesh95863Bhavesh Maheshwari
- cogk
- dtolnay0xF9BA143B95FF6D82
- fasterthanlime@bearcove
- georgia-tech-dbAtlanta, GA
- GursheenK@frappe
- helloanoopBangalore, India
- jarulrajGeorgia Tech
- kovidgoyalMumbai, India
- m-ou-seNetherlands
- meowgorithm@charmbracelet
- michellealva@frappe
- mikeckennedyTalk Python
- muchai@navariltd
- Mutantpenguinimat-uve gmbh
- njsmith
- pablogsal@Bloomberg
- paulogeyerFlorianópolis
- penguwinAugsburg University of Applied Sciences
- phil-oppKarlsruhe, Germany
- pratu16x7Buffalo
- psibi@fpco
- pushcx@lobsters
- pvolok
- rtCampEarth
- selwin
- sougouPlanetScale
- tanmoysrt@frappe @swiftwave-org
- topaz
- vorasmitIndia
- WilfredBay Area, USA