Python bindings for MuPDF's rendering library.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

PyMuPDF 1.12.6 Build Status


Release date: January 15, 2018



This is version 1.12.6 of PyMuPDF (formerly python-fitz), a Python binding which supports MuPDF 1.12 - "a lightweight PDF and XPS viewer".

MuPDF can access files in PDF, XPS, OpenXPS, CBZ, EPUB and FB2 (e-books) formats, and it is known for its top performance and high rendering quality.

With PyMuPDF you therefore can also access files with extensions *.pdf, *.xps, *.oxps, *.cbz, *.fb2 or *.epub from your Python scripts.

See the Wiki for more information, news, release notes and usage recipies.


For all Windows and the major Mac OS and Linux versions we offer wheel-based installation options. Look here to download the latest version for your OS. The files can also be found in the download section of PyPI.

If - for whatever reason - you need to generate PyMuPDF yourself, you must first download and generate MuPDF. This process depends very much on your system. For most platforms, the MuPDF source contains prepared procedures on how to achieve this.

Be sure to download the official MuPDF release from here. Although MuPDF also has a GitHub repo, this contains their current development source, which more often than not is incompatible with this PyMuPDF.

Once this is done, adjust directories in setup.py and the rest should be as easy as running python setup.py install.

In the following you find some comments for various operating systems and please do refer to our documentation for more.

Arch Linux

AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python2-pymupdf/ currently only provides PyMuPDF version 1.9.2 for Python 2.


The required MuPDF version in the official Ubuntu repositories is often not timely available, so you do need to build it from source. Make sure to add -fPIC to CFLAGS when compiling.

When MuPDF is ready, edit setup.py in PyMuPDF and comment out the line of library_dirs=[] to specify the directory which contains libmupdf.a and other 3rd party libraries. Remove crypto from libraries in setup.py if it complains. One of our users (thanks to @gileadslostson) has documented his MuPDF installation experience from sources in this Wiki page.


First, install the MuPDF headers and libraries, which are provided by mupdf-tools: brew install mupdf-tools.

Then you might need to export ARCHFLAGS='-arch x86_64', since libmupdf.a is for x86_64 only.

Finally, please double check setup.py before building. Update include_dirs and library_dirs if necessary.

MS Windows

If you don't use pip or PyPI, you can still download pre-generated binaries that are suitable for your Python / Windows combination. This, too, avoids any other downloads or compilation hassle. Again, make sure to consult our documentation.

If you do want to make your own binary however, have a look at this Wiki page. It explains how to use Visual Studio for generating MuPDF in quite some detail. Also do not hesitate to contact us if you need help.

Usage and Documentation

Have a look at the basic demos, the examples (which contain complete, working programs), and the recipies section of our Wiki sidebar.

You have a number of options to access the documentation:

  • You can view it online at Read the Docs. Do not download from here, instead use the following links.
  • You can download a zipped HTML version.
  • You can download a Windows CHM.
  • You can download a PDF.

Earlier Versions


PyMuPDF is distributed under GNU GPL V3. The implied use of MuPDF also implies its license GNU AFFERO GPL V3. A copy of both licenses are included in this repository.


You can also find us on the Python Package Index PyPI.

Please note, that the project description there may be less up-to-date than the one you are currently looking at. This is because information on PyPI, once stored, cannot be changed. Previously, this has been true only for the downloadable files, but since PyPI Warehouse, it obviously applies to all data of a full release.

We invite you to join our efforts by contributing to the Wiki pages.

Please submit comments or issues here, or directly contact the authors.