
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


JFrog CLI is a compact and smart client that provides a simple interface that automates access to Artifactory, Bintray and Mission Control through their respective REST APIs. By using the JFrog CLI, you can greatly simplify your automation scripts making them more readable and easier to maintain. Several features of the JFrog CLI makes your scripts more efficient and reliable:

  • Multi-threaded upload and download of artifacts make builds run faster
  • Checksum optimization reduces redundant file transfers
  • Wildcards and regular expressions give you an easy way to collect all the artifacts you wish to upload or download.
  • "Dry run" gives you a preview of file transfer operations before you actually run them

Download and Installation

You can get the executable directly from the JFrog CLI Download Page, or you can download the source files from this GitHub project and build it yourself.

You can also install JFrog CLI using NPM by running:

npm install jfrog-cli-go

and on Mac you can use:

brew install jfrog-cli-go

Building the Executable

JFrog CLI is written in the Go programming language, so to build the CLI yourself, you first need to have Go installed and configured on your machine.

Install Go

To download and install Go, please refer to the Go documentation. Please download Go 1.9 or above.

Navigate to the directory where you want to create the jfrog-cli-go project, and set the value of the GOPATH environment variable to the full path of this directory.

Download and Build the CLI

To download the jfrog-cli-go project, execute the following command:

go get github.com/jfrog/jfrog-cli-go/jfrog-cli/jfrog

Go will download and build the project on your machine. Once complete, you will find the JFrog CLI executable under your $GOPATH/bin directory.


Artifactory tests

General tests

To run Artifactory tests execute the following command:

go test -v github.com/jfrog/jfrog-cli-go/jfrog-cli/jfrog

Optional flags:

Flag Description
-rt.url [Default: http://localhost:8081/artifactory] Artifactory URL.
-rt.user [Default: admin] Artifactory username.
-rt.password [Default: password] Artifactory password.
-rt.apikey [Optional] Artifactory API key.
-rt.sshKeyPath [Optional] Ssh key file path. Should be used only if the Artifactory URL format is ssh://[domain]:port
-rt.sshPassphrase [Optional] Ssh key passphrase.
  • Running the tests will create two repositories: jfrog-cli-tests-repo and jfrog-cli-tests-repo1.
    Once the tests are completed, the content of these repositories will be deleted.

Maven, Gradle and Npm tests

  • The M2_HOME environment variable should be set to the local maven installation path.
  • The gradle and npm executables pshould be included as part of the PATH environment variable.
  • The java executable be included as part of the PATH environment variable. Alternatively, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

To run build tools tests execute the following command:

go test -v github.com/jfrog/jfrog-cli-go/jfrog-cli/jfrog -test.artifactory=false -test.buildTools=true
  • Currently, build integration support only http(s) connections to Artifactory using username and password.

Docker push test

To run docker push tests execute the following command (fill out the missing parameters as described below):

docker login
go test -v github.com/jfrog/jfrog-cli-go/jfrog-cli/jfrog -test.artifactory=false -test.docker=true -rt.dockerRepoDomain=DOCKER_DOMAIN -rt.dockerTargetRepo=DOCKER_TARGET_REPO -rt.url=ARTIFACTORY_URL -rt.user=USERNAME -rt.password=PASSWORD
Mandatory Parameters
Flag Description
-rt.dockerRepoDomain Artifactory Docker registry domain.
-rt.dockerTargetRepo Artifactory Docker repository name.
-rt.url Artifactory URL.
-rt.user Artifactory username.
-rt.password Artifactory password.

Vgo commands tests

To run vgo tests:

  • Add vgo executable to the system search path (PATH environment variable).
  • Run the following command:
go test -v github.com/jfrog/jfrog-cli-go/jfrog-cli/jfrog -test.artifactory=false -test.vgo=true 

Bintray tests

Bintray tests credentials are taken from the CLI configuration. If non configured or not passed as flags, the tests will fail.

To run Bintray tests execute the following command:

go test -v github.com/jfrog/jfrog-cli-go/jfrog-cli/jfrog -test.artifactory=false -test.bintray=true


Flag Description
-bt.user [Mandatory if not configured] Bintray username.
-bt.key [Mandatory if not configured] Bintray API key.
-bt.org [Optional] Bintray organization. If not configured, -bt.user is used as the organization name.
  • Running the tests will create a repository jfrog-cli-tests-repo1 in bintray.
    Once the tests are completed, the repository will be deleted.

Pull Requests

We welcome pull requests from the community.


  • Before creating your first pull request, please join our contributors community by signing JFrog's CLA.
  • Pull requests should be created on the dev branch.
  • Please use gofmt for formatting the code before submitting the pull request.

Using JFrog CLI

JFrog CLI can be used for a variety of functions with Artifactory, Bintray, Xray and Mission Control, and has a dedicated set of commands for each product. To learn how to use JFrog CLI, please visit the JFrog CLI User Guide.

Release Notes

The release are available on Bintray.