Example Project

Setup & Open the Project

You'll need to have Carthage installed in order to pull the AppAuth dependency.

So first run carthage bootstrap to build AppAuth framework then open the Example.xcodeproj file.


The example doesn't work out of the box, you need to configure it with your own client ID.

Information You'll Need

  • Issuer
  • Client ID
  • Redirect URI

How to get this information varies by IdP, but we have instructions for some OpenID Certified providers.

Configure the Example

In the file AppAuthExampleViewController.swift

  1. Update kIssuer with the IdP's issuer.
  2. Update kClientID with your new client id.
  3. Update kRedirectURI redirect URI

In the file Info.plist

Fully expand "URL types" (a.k.a. CFBundleURLTypes) and replace com.example.app with the scheme of your redirect URI. The scheme is everything before the colon (:). For example, if the redirect URI is com.example.app:/oauth2redirect/example-provider, then the scheme would be com.example.app.

Running the Example

Now your example should be ready to run.