Transactions list App

The app fetches and shows list of transactions/payments made by user. User can filter transactions by categories.


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Development Environment

  • Project is built on Xcode 13.2.1 , macOS 11.6.8

  • Xcode project is tested and worked well on iPhone Simulator iOS 15.2, macOS 11.6.8

  • Project is built by using Swift and supports iOS 15.2 and above.

Project Information

  • App can be localised for different languages in future. At present localizations for English and German languages are added.

  • App shows date, number and currency formatting based on user's region and language.

  • Project fetches data from local MockData.json file. MockServerSession is used to mock the network communication. MockServerSession fails/succeeds randomly to simulate real network scenarios.

  • Project uses MVVM pattern, and SwiftUI for views.

  • Project uses Swift concurrency for multithreading.

  • Project contains unit tests. Dependancy Injections are being used to mock network data for unit tests.

  • Project uses Swift Package Manager for third party dependencies.