
Repository for beginners to learn and start their contribution to open source community.

Primary LanguageJava


Repository for beginners to learn and start their contribution to open source community

What's in here?

The purpose of this repository is to have a set of solution to some of the popular concepts and probelms of Data Structures and Algorithms with as much languages as possible.

This helps beginners to have a chance to look into the best practices of coding, optimising, and getting the solution in the language they work on.


This repository is crowd sourced, which means YOU are a contributor. Additionally, this repository is marked eligible for Hacktober Fest to to increase the visibility of the repository which would also help people to make their first open source contribution, and this repository in turn grows. See Contributions document for more information

  • Huge Shoutout to all the Forkers

Forkers repo roster for @ShubhKotnala/Data_Structures_And_Algorithms