
Library to emulate Google Cast app's "Cast Screen" feature

Primary LanguageJavaThe UnlicenseUnlicense


CastScreen is an experimental library for emulating the Cast Screen feature of the Google Cast app, allowing you to cast your Android device's screen to a Chromecast device.
Minimum API level: 21

##Usage: 0. Clone the castscreen repository and import it as a module. Get an app id for a Remote Display Receiver from the Google Cast developer console. You may need to add your Cast dongle as a test device, and wait ~15 minutes for changes to propagate in Google's servers.

1. Extend CastScreenActivity:

public class MainActivity extends CastScreenActivity

2. In your menu.xml file, add the following item:

    app:showAsAction="always" />

3. In your Activity's onCreateOptionsMenu, call super.prepareCastButton(castButtonMenuItem, YOUR_APP_ID) like so:

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.menu_main, menu);
    MenuItem castButtonMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.media_route_menu_item);
    super.prepareCastButton(castButtonMenuItem, YOUR_APP_ID);
    return true;

4. Congratulations, you are done. The Cast button will appear in this activity, allowing users to cast their whole screen. You will need to repeat steps 1-3 in any activity where you want the Cast button.

##How does it work? Captures the user's screen using the MediaProjection API (ProjectionManager.java), then renders it to a Chromecast device using the CastRemoteDisplay API (ConnectionManager.java). The user's screen is drawn on a SurfaceView (R.id.castScreenPresentationSurface) in CastScreenPresentation.java. You can edit R.layout.cast_screen_presentation to add additional UI elements to the remote display (or even do post-processing effects on castScreenPresentationSurface).

##Known Issues ####Sometimes the receiver shows up black and my logcat repeatedly has the lines W/GCastSource: video RTT is high (___ ms)? This is caused by a bug in the Remote display API. If your global logcat repeatedly contains the phrase "video RTT is high", please post a bug report here. If your global logcat does not contain the above phrase, it may be a different issue, so please post to the castscreen issue tracker here.

##Bugs or feature requests? Please write it up on the issue tracker or submit a pull request. Thanks!