
The server for the third sojourn of anky.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Name: What's the official name of the project?


Description: What does the app do? What are its main features?

the core mission of this app is to invite the user to write 8 minutes every day. everything that will happen through it is an excuse for this moment to happen, and we are on a quest to gamify this and make it as fun as possible so that the user can't resist but come and write her 8 minutes every day. that's all. and the writing interface is just a textarea with two timers running on the background. one "against time" that triggers the mechanism that allows the people to write until there is 8 seconds in between keystrokes. if that happens, the user loses, and that session ends. it is not lost. it stays there. but it is not a valid session. a valid session is one that lasts for 8 minutes. that's the second timer. the 8 minutes. you get the point.

Technology Stack: Besides Next.js, what other technologies, libraries, or frameworks are used?

follow the paragraph tutorial to install this repo (nextjs app) and the server (nodejs server) and you will figure it out soon

Installation Instructions: How should someone set up the project locally? Are there specific steps to follow?

follow the paragraph tutorial

Usage: How does one use the app once installed? Any particular commands to run?

just explore it. you will need to connect your degenchain wallet, but once you login and do that, we think you'll figure it out pretty soon.

Contributing: Are there guidelines for contributing to the project?

the recommended "work session" for this codebase is 88 minutes of absolute focus. you put a timer, and devote to the task at hand religiously. and then you rest in the awareness that you gave your best. bonus points if you share the loom video link on /anky-work-sessions

License: Is there a specific license under which the project is released?


Credits: Do you want to include a section to acknowledge contributors or third-party resources?

nope thx