
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Typed routes parser with magic syntax

What's the problem?

Declaring routes and arguments types can be full of boilerplate and there is a chance intruducting typos.

For example, using react-router, you have to manually extract URL params and make sure they match your types. Moreover there is not autocomplete on getting parameters, generating URLs, no typechecking.

react-router example

const params = new URLSearchParams(props.location.search);
const tags = params.get('tags'):

And still it is necessary to make sure there are no typos in tags parameter while generating link for example.

Why not to use any other library?

Sure, there are tons of amazing libraries:

and so on.

But they are pretty verbose and even better typing could be done using TypeScript 4 feature Template Literal Types.


import { route, createRoutesDeclaration } from 'nicely-typed-routes';

const categoriesRoute = route('/users/{userId:number}/categories/:category');
const productsRoute = route('/products/{productId:number}');

const routes = createRoutesDeclaration(categoriesRoute).add(productsRoute);

const parsed = routes.parse(window.location.pathname);

// First, check if url matched one of the routes
if (parsed !== null) {
  // at this moment parsed is sum type of all possible routes

  if (parsed.key === categoriesRoute.key) {
    console.log(parsed.params); // typed as { userId: number, category: string }
  if (parsed.key === productsRoute.key) {
    console.log(parsed.params); // typed as { productId: number }

// Routes also usable to generate link

categoriesRoute.link({ userId: 42, category: 'cats' }); // '/users/42/categories/cats`
categoriesRoute.link({ userId: '42', category: 'cats' }); // Typecheck failed

Is it production ready?

No, but I'm looking forward to see how this library could be improved.

Future plans

Tier 1

  • Finalize syntax specification
  • Rewrite better matching algorithm
  • Improve test coverage
  • Improve documentation
  • Search params typing

Tier 2

  • Custom types
  • URLs composition, nested routes


  • TypeScript 4 is mandatory
  • Probably longer compiling time (I should run benchmarks to make sure)
  • TypeScript Errors could be not as readable as you want
  • Harder to inspect derived types.


This solution is highly inspired by TypeScript Challenges. Special thanks to Grigorii Khromov for helping me figure out how all of this works :).