
[KDD 2024] Repo that contains code and dataset for the paper titled: "Television Discourse Decoded: Comprehensive Multimodal Analytics at Scale"

Primary LanguagePython

Television Discourse Decoded: Comprehensive Multimodal Analytics at Scale

This repository contains the official code and data for our paper "Television Discourse Decoded: Comprehensive Multimodal Analytics at Scale", accepted at KDD'2024.

Our work introduces an automated toolkit that leverages state-of-the-art computer vision and speech-to-text techniques to transcribe, diarize, and analyze thousands of YouTube videos from televised debates, offering profound insights into biases, incivility, and the overall quality of public discourse.

Repository Structure and Contents


  • config_constants.py: Contains configurable parameters, including API keys (such as Hugging Face tokens, Perspective API keys), and paths for storing intermediate data.
  • diarization_vad_osd_related/run_pipeline_osd_vad.py: Processes a video by removing segments where no voice activity is detected using Voice Activity Detection (VAD).
  • perspective_related/run_pipeline_perspective.py: Analyzes the foul speech content for each utterance, assessing it across various dimensions (e.g., identity attack, profanity) based on the spoken content.
  • transcription_related/run_pipeline_transcription.py: Transcribes each utterance identified during the diarization process, providing a text representation of the spoken content.
  • tv_debs_utils/debate_utils.py: Contains a set of utility functions for processing, downloading, and truncating videos.

Dataset contents

This dataset data/video_details.json contains metadata and labels for YouTube videos used in our work. Each entry in the dataset corresponds to a video and includes various fields detailing the video's attributes, statistics, and detected hashtags.

  • video_idx: A unique index assigned to each video in the dataset.
  • yt_vid_id: The unique identifier for the video on YouTube. This is the videoId that appears in YouTube URLs.
  • yt_vid_url: The full URL to the video on YouTube.
  • major_label: The primary category or theme associated with the video. This provides a high-level categorization of the video's content.
  • minor_labels: A list of secondary labels or subcategories that further describe the video's content. These labels offer more granular categorization.
  • yt_stats: A dictionary containing statistics related to the video on YouTube.
  • publish_time: The timestamp indicating when the video was published on YouTube.
  • vid_title: The title of the video as it appears on YouTube.
  • total_duration: The total duration of the video in seconds.
  • total_duration_str: The total duration of the video in ISO 8601 duration format.
  • hashtags_detected: A list of hashtags detected in the video's description or title or via OCR on the video frames.

Results and Intermediate files related

  • data/scratch_folder

    • ./part_0: Downloads the video from YouTube using the YT ID.
    • ./part_1: Processes the video from part_0; contains the audio versions of the debates after applying Voice Activity Detection (VAD), removing segments where no voice was detected.
    • ./part_2: Processes the audio from part_1 by removing segments where more than one speaker is detected, using Overlapped Speech Detection (OSD).
  • data/results

    • ./osd_data: Stores timestamps for segments of the video where multiple speakers were detected, indicating overlapping speech.
    • ./vad_data: Stores timestamps for segments of the video where any voice activity was detected.
    • ./diarization_data: Contains timestamps for segments of the video where different speakers were detected. Includes speaker IDs, maintaining consistent identification for each speaker throughout the video, numbered from 0 to N-1, where N is the total number of speakers.
    • ./transcription_data: Provides detailed information about each utterance, including the content of the speech, timestamps of the utterance, and the speaker ID associated with it.
    • ./perspective_data: Contains information on any foul language or offensive content found in the transcript, with details linked to specific utterances.

Getting Started

Setting up the Project Repository

To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/anmolagarwal999/television-discourse-decoded
cd television-discourse-decoded
  1. Create and activate the conda environment:
conda create --name tv_debs_env python=3.9
conda activate tv_debs_env
  1. Install the required dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt


# To run the OSD+VAD pipeline
television-discourse-decoded> python -m src.diarization_vad_osd_related.run_pipeline_osd_vad <Youtube ID of video to process>

# To transcribe the video
television-discourse-decoded> python -m src.transcription_related.run_pipeline_transcription <Youtube ID of video to process>

# To measure foul speech in the transcribed content
television-discourse-decoded> python -m src.perspective_related.run_pipeline_perspective


Please consider citing the following paper when using our code and dataset.

author = {Agarwal, Anmol and Priyadarshi, Pratyush and Sinha, Shiven and Gupta, Shrey and Jangra, Hitkul and Kumaraguru, Ponnurangam and Garimella, Kiran},
title = {Television Discourse Decoded: Comprehensive Multimodal Analytics at Scale},
year = {2024},
isbn = {9798400704901},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3637528.3671532},
doi = {10.1145/3637528.3671532},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},
pages = {4752–4763},
numpages = {12},
keywords = {bias detection, incivil speech, multimodal analysis, television, video analysis},
location = {Barcelona, Spain},
series = {KDD '24}