
x86 and ARM Buffer Overflow and ROP Exploits - Assignment 2 for Systems Security and Malicious Code Analysis Course

Primary LanguagePython

Assignment 2

This is an assignment for my Systems Security and Malicious Code course. I exploited ARM and x86 using buffer overflow vulnerabilities to execute shellcode.

Locations of files

  • files

    This directory contains exploit scripts - exploit.py for each part where applicable

    input files to the binaries are located in the tmp subdirectory of each part.

    For example, files/part2/arm/tmp/exp would be the input file for the part2 ARM exercise.

  • submission

    This directory contains submission files used

  • submission.md

    My solutions for each exercise with input explanations and the hashes obtained

  • Assignment 2 Writeup

    A detailed writeup that explains each exercise step by step.

    Note that the naming convention for the files in the writeup is slightly different. /tmp/anmol.py and /tmp/anmol-p3.py on the server correspond to exploit.py which is provided in the repository. /tmp/anmol and /tmp/anmol-p3 on the server correspond to tmp/exp which is provided in the repository.