
A Skip Gram model based on NCE loss function for learning word representations

Primary LanguagePython


In this project, I have implemented the Skip gram model using cross-entropy loss and NCE loss for learning word vectors. I have also performed a few experiments to tune different hyperparameters and compare the two loss functions. After learning the word vectors, I have used them in a word analogy task as described in the section below.

Best Models

NCE Loss

  • Accuracy - 35.7%


  • batch_size - 256
  • skip_window - 4
  • num_skips - 8
  • embedding_size - 128
  • max_num_steps - 200001
  • learning rate - 5

Cross Entropy

  • Accuracy - 33.9%
  • loss_value - 4.8267


  • batch_size - 256
  • skip_window - 4
  • num_skips - 8
  • embedding_size - 128
  • max_num_steps - 200001
  • learning rate - 1.0

I have implemented the following functions:

  • generate_batch() for skip-gram model in word2vec_basic.py
  • Cross Entropy loss cross_entropy_loss() in loss_func.py
  • NCE loss nce_loss() in loss_func.py
  • find_analogies() in word_analogy.py
  • find_top20_similar() in word_analogy.py

Generating batches for skip-gram model

  • The function generate_batch() is called by the train() method to genarate a mini-batch of inputs and labels in every epoch.
  • The inputs to this function are -
    • data - the entire vocabulary
    • batch_size - the number of data points in one batch
    • num_skips - the number of samples to draw in a window
    • skip_window - how many words to consider left and right from a context word.
  • We use a global variable called data_index to maintain the positioning in the entire corpus whenever this function is called. Not updating this will be equivalent to generating the same batch again and again for every epoch.
  • Created window_size = skip_window*2 + 1
  • We first calculate the position of our centre word in the current batch by skip_window + data_index.
  • Then we sample num_skips words from this window by slicing the data w.r.t. to the centre word.

loss_func.py - function called during training

  1. cross_entropy_loss(inputs, true_w)
  • Inputs:
    • inputs: Embeddings for context words with dimension [batch_size, embedding_size].
    • true_w: Embeddings for predicting words with dimension [batch_size, embedding_size].
  • Calculating A = log(exp({u_o}^T v_c))
    • I multiplied inputs with transpose of true_w. Then I extracted the diagnol elements using tf.diag_part.
  • Calculating B = log(\ sum{exp({u_w}^T v_c)})
    • I re-used the multiplication of inputs with transpose of true_w from previous calculations and then applied exponent function. Then I took a sum across all the columns.
    • Before taking the log, I added a very small value 1e-14 to the input of log to avoid the problem of NaN.
  • The final value of the loss is B - A.
  1. nce_loss(inputs, weights, biases, labels, sample, unigram_prob)
  • Inputs:
    • inputs - Embeddings for context words with dimension [batch_size, embedding_size]
    • weights - Weights for nce loss with dimension [Vocabulary, embedding_size]
    • biases - Biases for nce loss with dimension [Vocabulary, 1].
    • labels: Word_ids for predicting words with dimension [batch_size, 1],
    • samples: Word_ids for negative samples with dimension [num_sampled]
    • unigram_prob: Unigram probabilitity with dimension [Vocabulary].
  • I first converted the Python lists - labels, sample to tensors using and then extracted the relevant weights, biases for labels and sample using tf.nn.embedding_lookup().
  • Then I constructed the two different parts of the nce loss separately one by one.
  • The first term involves multiplying the inputs and labels, multiplying unigram probabilities with k (the number of samples) and adding a very small value epsilon before applying the log.
  • We apply the sigmoid to the multiplication of inputs and labels and then subtract the previous calculation from this term.
  • We do the similar steps for calculating the second term of NCE loss.
  • The final value of NCE loss is the addition of both the terms. Please note that I have multiplied these two terms with a scalar "-1" already so we need not return a negative value here.

Word Analogy - word_analogy.py

  • find_analogies() - this function evaluates the analogy between 'example' pairs and 'choices' pairs and find the most and least representative pairs from 'choice' pairs.
  • I have created this file such that it can be run on both - dev and test dataset by changing the dataset_type variable.
  • It can also use either NCE model or Cross Entropy model by configuring the loss_model variable.
  • The input_file_name points to the file containing the dataset.
  • In find_analogies(), we basically find the word embeddings or vectors for the 'example' word pairs and then model the relationship in every pair by taking a difference of the word vectors. Let us call this relationship vector.
  • We then take the mean of all the relationship vectors in the example words.
  • Then we iterate over all the 'choice' pairs and find a vector for all the word pairs. Then we find the cosine similarity between these vectors and the mean relationship vector that we found in the previous step.
  • We then return the word pairs with highest and lowest cosine similarity with the relationship vector.
  • find_top20_similar() - this function finds the top 20 most similar words to the given words - first, american and would.
  • We find the similar words by finding the cosine similarity between the given words and all the words in the dictionary.
  • For each given word, we print the top 20 most similar words.