👆 Scratch Card React


npm install --save scratch-win-react
import { useRef } from 'react';
import ScratchCard from 'scratch-win-react';


const ref = useRef(null);
const finishScrashHandler = () => console.log('event call on finish=====>>');
<ScratchCard ref={ref} width={250} height={250} brushSize={20} finishPercent={50} onComplete={() => finishScrashHandler()} image="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anmolsukki/scratch-win-react/master/src/coupon.png">
  <p>Play & Win Game</p>


Prop Default Type Description
width - Number Width of the scratch card in pixels
height - Number Height of the scratch card in pixels
image - String URL or path to the image to be displayed on the scratch card
brushSize - Number Brush Size of the scratch card in pixels
brushCursor arrow String URL or path to the image to be displayed on the scratch card
finishPercent - Number Percentage of the scratch card to be covered for the final layer
onComplete - Function Callback function to be executed when the scratch card is completed

Note: Custome Cursor Example


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Hi there, I'm Anmol 👋

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