- Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
- Terraform Install Tools, Command and Language Basics
- Terraform Settings, Providers and Resources
- Terraform Input Variables, Output Values, Datasources
- Terraform Loops, MetaArguments, Splat Operator and Functions
- AWS VPC 3-Tier Architecture Design using Terraform
- Bastion Host AWS EC2 Instances, Security Groups, TF Provisioners with Terraform
- AWS EKS Cluster, Public and Private Node Groups using Terraform
- Kubernetes Fundamentals
- Kubernetes Deployment and Service using YAML
- Terraform Kubernetes Provider - Kubernetes Deployment & Service
- Terraform Remote State Storage - AWS S3 & DynamoDB
- AWS EKS IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) using Terraform
- AWS EKS EBS CSI Driver Install with Self-Managed AddOn Option using Terraform
- AWS EKS EBS Demo using k8s YAML (UserMgmt WebApp with MySQL DB)
- AWS EKS EBS Demo using k8s Terraform (UserMgmt WebApp with MySQL DB)
- AWS EKS EBS Volumes Retain and Resize Settings
- Provision AWS IAM Admin User as EKS Admin
- Provision AWS IAM Basic User as EKS Admin
- Provision of AWS Users (Admin & Basic) as EKS Admins using Terraform
- Provision EKS Admins using IAM Roles & IAM Groups
- Provision EKS Admins using IAM Roles & IAM Groups using Terraform
- Provision EKS ReadOnly User using IAM Roles, Groups & k8s CR, CRB
- Provision EKS Developer Users using IAM Roles, Groups & k8s R, RB
- AWS Load Balancer Controller Install using Terraform Helm Provider
- Ingress Basics - Automate with Terraform
- Ingress Context Path based Routing - Automate with Terraform
- Ingress SSL and SSL Redirect - Automate with Terraform
- Install ExternalDNS using Terraform Helm Provider
- Ingress with ExternalDNS - Automate with Terraform
- Kubernetes LB Service with ExternalDNS - Automate with Terraform
- Ingress Name based Virtual Host Routing- Automate with Terraform
- Ingress SSL Discovery Host
- Ingress SSL Discovery TLS
- Ingress Groups - Automate with Terraform
- Ingress Target Type IP - Automate with Terraform
- Ingress Internal Load Balancer - Automate with Terraform
- Ingress Cross Namespaces - Automate with Terraform
- AWS Network Load Balancer with AWS Load Balancer Controller
- AWS NLB TLS, External DNS with AWS LBC - Automate with Terraform
- AWS NLB Internal LB with AWS LBC - Automate with Terraform
- AWS EKS Fargate Profiles using Terraform
- Run EKS Workloads on AWS Fargate - Automate with Terraform
- AWS Fargate Only EKS Cluster using Terraform
- AWS EFS CSI Controller Install using Terraform Helm Provider
- AWS EFS Static Provisioning - Automate with Terraform
- AWS EFS Dynamic Provisioning - Automate with Terraform
- AWS EFS File System Mount for Fargate Workloads
- Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler Controller Install
- Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler Controller Test
- Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling with Terraform
- Kubernetes Vertical Pod Autoscaling with Terraform
- AWS EKS Monitoring and Logging with kubectl
- AWS EKS Monitoring and Logging with Terraform
- Kubernetes Deployments
- Kubernetes Pods
- Kubernetes Service of Type LoadBalancer
- Kubernetes Service of Type ClusterIP
- Kubernetes Ingress Service
- Kubernetes Ingress Class
- Kubernetes Storage Class
- Kubernetes Storage Persistent Volume
- Kubernetes Storage Persistent Volume Claim
- Kubernetes RBAC
- Kubernetes Role
- Kubernetes Role Binding
- Kubernetes Cluster Role
- Kubernetes Cluster Role Binding
- Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler
- Kubernetes Vertical Pod Autoscaler
- Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
- Kubernetes DaemonSets
- Kubernetes Namespaces
- Kubernetes Service Accounts
- Kubernetes Groups
- Kubernetes ConfigMaps
- Kubernetes Requests and Limits
- Kubernetes Worker Nodes
- Settings Block
- Providers Block
- Multiple Providers usage
- Dependency Lock File Importance
- Resources Syntax and Behavior
- Resources Meta-Argument - depends_on
- Resources Meta-Argument - count
- Resources Meta-Argument - for_each
- Resources Meta-Argument - lifecycle
- Input Variables - Basics
- Input Variables - Assign When Prompted
- Input Variables - Assign with terraform.tfvars
- Input Variables - Assign with auto tfvars
- Input Variables - Lists
- Input Variables - Maps
- File Function
- Output Values
- Local Values
- Datasources
- Backends - Remote State Storage
- File Provisioner
- remote-exec Provisioner
- local-exec Provisioner
- Null Resource
- Modules from Public Registry
- element function
- Remote State Datasource
- Terraform Datasources
- AWS Terraform Provider
- Kubernetes Terraform Provider
- Kubectl Terraform Provider
- HTTP Terraform Provider
- Null Terraform Provider
- Helm Terraform Provider
- You will learn to master Terraform & Kubernetes on AWS EKS in a Real-world perspective with 55 demo's on AWS Cloud with 25+ Kubernetes and 25+ Terraform Concepts
- You will learn Terraform Basics for 4.5 hours
- You will build a AWS VPC 3-Tier network with Terraform
- You will build a AWS EKS Cluster with Public and Private Node Groups with Terraform
- You will learn Kubernetes Fundamentals for 3 hours
- You will implement a simple kubernetes deployment and service using Terraform Kubernetes Provider
- Understand and Implement Terraform Remote State Datasource
- You will learn AWS EKS IRSA (IAM Roles for Service Accounts Concept) in detail and implement it with Terraform
- You will master Kubernetes Storage concepts with AWS EBS CSI Controller by automating the whole install process with Terraform
- You will master AWS EKS IAM Concepts with 7 detailed Demo
- You will learn to implement AWS Load Balancer Controller Install on AWS EKS Cluster with Terraform
- You will learn to implement 14 Ingress Service Demos (AWS Application Load Balancer) using Terraform Kubernetes Provider
- You will learn to implement 3 Kubernetes Service Demos for AWS Load Balancer Controller
- You will master the AWS Fargate Concepts with 3 demos including running all workloads of EKS Cluster on AWS Fargate (Fargate Only EKS Cluster)
- You will install Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler on AWS EKS Cluster with Terraform and Test it
- You will implement Horizontal and Vertical Pod Autoscaler Concepts with Terraform
- You will learn to implement AWS EKS Monitoring and Logging using kubectl and Terraform
- You must have an AWS Cloud account to follow with me for hands-on activities.
- You don't need to have any basic knowledge of Terraform. Course will get started from very very basics of Terraform and take you to very advanced levels
- You don't need to have any basic knowledge of Kubernetes. Course will get started from very very basics of Kubernetes and take you to very advanced levels
- Infrastructure Architects or Sysadmins or Developers who are planning to master Terraform from Real-World perspective on AWS Cloud in combination with AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (AWS EKS)
- Any beginner who is interested in learning IaC Infrastructure as Code current trending tool Terraform with AWS Cloud
- Terraform on AWS EKS Kubernetes IaC SRE- 50 Real-World Demos
- Course Presentation
- Kubernetes Fundamentals
- Important Note: Please go to these repositories and FORK these repositories and make use of them during the course.
- Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences
- Real Implementation Experience
- Friendly Support in the Q&A section
- 30 Day "No Questions Asked" Money Back Guarantee!