
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to NLP-Curator!

NLP Curator is an art discovery tool. Write a post, view keywords and see phrase-level and document-level sentiment analysis, and view artwork curated by the text you've written. This site was developed as my 4th Project in the General Assembly WDI program.

NLP Curator

Software used in NLP Curator

NLP Curator runs on the following technologies:

  • Rails 4.1.7
  • Ruby 2.1.3
  • MongoDB
  • Bootstrap 3.3.2
  • AngularJS
  • D3.js
  • Circle CI for continuous integration
  • Heroku for deployment
  • RSpec, Factory Girl, and Capybara for testing

APIs used in NLP Curator

Ruby Gems installed in NLP Curator

NLP Curator uses the following gems:

  • mongoid (database)
  • bootstrap-sass (styling and layout)
  • masonry-rails (layout of galleries)
  • httparty (external access)
  • unirest (external access)
  • figaro (easy configuration)
  • better_errors (streamlined development)
  • rspec-rails (testing)
  • factory_girl_rails (testing)
  • capybara (testing)
  • shoulda-matchers
  • thin (production server)
  • rspec_junit_formatter
  • rails_12factor (heroku deployment)

Run the following commands to use these gems

  • To install to your machine, run
gem install name_of_gem
  • To include the gem into your app
    • add each gem to your Gemfile, then
    • run bundle install

Running the test suite in NLP Curator

NLP-Curator uses RSpec, Factory Girl and Capybara for testing models, controllers and features. Tests are broken down into specific files in the app's spec directory.

  • To run all tests, run:

     bundle exec rspec
  • To run a specific set of tests, simply include the file path. Here is an example for the post_spec.rb:

     bundle exec rspec spec/models/post_spec.rb

Thanks for visiting NLP Curator!

Feel free to ask questions or send pull requests. Donations can be made in the form of hummus or green tea. Enjoy!