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OpenSoundControl it !C++ library implementing the oscit protocol (OpenSoundControl Interface Transfer). The protocol uses ZeroConf to register devices on an network. The library provides the necessary tools to easily create oscit compliant software (register or browse for devices, reply to queries, etc). There is a service type registered for this protocol called “oscit” on dns-sd.org (Zeroconf).
website: rubyk.org/liboscit
bug tracker: rubyk.lighthouseapp.com/projects/43868-oscit
license: MIT
author: Gaspard Buma (gaspardbuma.org)
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Compilation¶ ↑
LinuxTo compile the library on linux, you need to install CMake (cmake.org) and the avahi headers. This is done with:
sudo aptitude install libavahi-client-dev cmake
Once this is done, simply type:
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Mac OS XSince CMake (cmake.org) is already installed and we do not depend on avahi, you can compile the library with:
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Custom compilation (embedded devices, IDE, other)To compile the library for embedded devices, you need to:
add the 'include' and 'oscpack' folders in your headers search path
add all *.cpp files from the 'src' and 'src/[your platform]' folders to your project
add all *.cpp files from 'oscpack/ip', 'oscpack/ip/[your platform]' and 'oscpack/osc' to your project
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TestingThe tests automatically run during library compilation if you use CMake. The tests are defined in the 'test' folder.