Flask-SQLAlchemy Lab 2

Learning Goals

  • Use Flask-SQLAlchemy to define a data model with relationships
  • Implement an association proxy for a model
  • Use SQLAlchemy-Serializer to serialize an object with relationships


Fork and clone the lab repo.

Run pipenv install and pipenv shell .

$ pipenv install
$ pipenv shell

Change into the server directory:

$ cd server

The file server/models.py defines models named Customer and Item.

Run the following commands to create the tables for customers and items.

$ flask db init
$ flask db migrate -m "initial migration"
$ flask db upgrade head

Task#1 : Add Review and relationships with Customer and Item

customer review item erd

A customer can review an item that they purchased.

  • A review belongs to an customer.
  • A review belongs to an item.
  • A customer has many items through reviews.
  • An item has many customers through reviews.

Edit server/models.py to add a new model class named Review that inherits from db.Model. Add the following attributes to the Review model:

  • a string named __tablename__ assigned to the value 'reviews'.
  • a column named id to store an integer that is the primary key.
  • a column named comment to store a string.
  • a column named customer_id that is a foreign key to the 'customers' table.
  • a column named item_id that is a foreign key to the 'items' table.
  • a relationship named customer that establishes a relationship with the Customer model. Assign the back_populates parameter to match the property name defined to the reciprocal relationship in Customer.
  • a relationship named item that establishes a relationship with the Item model. Assign the back_populates parameter to match the property name defined to the reciprocal relationship in Item.

Edit the Customer model to add the following:

  • a relationship named reviews that establishes a relationship with the Review model. Assign the back_populates parameter to match the property name defined to the reciprocal relationship in Review.

Edit the Item model to add the following:

  • a relationship named reviews that establishes a relationship with the Review model. Assign the back_populates parameter to match the property name defined to the reciprocal relationship in Review.

Save server/models.py. Make sure you are in the server directory, then type the following to perform a migration to add the new model:

$ flask db migrate -m 'add review'
$ flask db upgrade head

Test the new Review model class and relationships:

$ pytest testing/review_test.py

The 4 tests should pass. If not, update your Review model to pass the tests before proceeding.

Run server/seed.py to add sample customers, items, and reviews to the database.

$ python seed.py

Then use either Flask shell or SQLite Viewer to confirm the 3 tables are populated with the seed data.

Task #2: Add Association Proxy

Given a customer, we might want to get a list of items they've reviewed. Currently, you would need to iterate through the customer's reviews to get each item. Try this in the Flask shell:

>>> from models import *
>>> customer1 = Customer.query.filter_by(id=1).first()
>>> customer1
<Customer 1, Tal Yuri>
>>> items = [review.item for review in customer1.reviews]
>>> items
[<Item 1, Laptop Backpack, 49.99>, <Item 2, Insulated Coffee Mug, 9.99>]

Update Customer to add an association proxy named items to get a list of items through the customer's reviews relationship.

Once you've defined the association proxy, you can easily get the items for a customer as:

>>> customer1.items
[<Item 1, Laptop Backpack, 49.99>, <Item 2, Insulated Coffee Mug, 9.99>]

Test the updated Customer model and association proxy:

$ pytest testing/association_proxy_test.py

Task #3: Add Serialization

  • Edit Customer, Item, and Reviews to inherit from SerializerMixin.
  • Add serialization rules to avoid errors involving recursion depth (be careful about tuple commas).
    • Customer should exclude reviews.customer
    • Item should exclude reviews.item
    • Review should exclude customer.reviews and item.reviews

Test the serialized models:

$ pytest testing/serialization_test.py

Run all tests to ensure they pass:

$ pytest

Once all tests are passing, commit and push your work using git to submit.