
I decided to study code almost every day during 100 days


Progress of course: 44 of 126 complete

Day Date Studied Practiced
020 07.14.2024 shape-outside, object-fit properties and <video> html element finished the Tours and Stories sections in the Natours project (in progress)
019 07.13.2024 perspective, background-blend-modes, box-decoration-break properties started the Tours section in the Natours project (in progress)
018 06.18.2024 finished the About section in the Natours project (in progress)
017 06.16.2024 function calc() installed the Live Sass Compile extension, used Sass and built a custom grid with floats and started the About section in the Natours project (in progress)
016 06.13.2024 made notes about CSS Cascade, Specificity, Inheritance.
- Visual Formatting Modals
- Value Proccessing
- how to name classes using BEM and architect your folders and files
- SASS: variables, mixins, extends, functions
practiced with the Command Line and installed the local Sass compile successfully
015 06.05.2024 finished the section #2 in the course and continued to practiced with animations in the Natours project (in progress)
014 06.04.2024 - animations (@keyframes) started a new course by Jonas Schmedtmann "Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More!" and started the Natours project (in progress)
013 05.31.2024 just practiced and built 5 sections
012 05.27.2024 watched the video about prototype in Figma made a header and featured-in layout in Figma
011 05.26.2024 watched the video about basics in Figma defined the website that I want to create. Created a logo in Figma and started to fill up the content
010 05.24.2024 finished the Omnifood project (finished) and want to find inspiration to practice my skills
009 05.23.2024 practiced entry-level JavaScript (made the mobile navigation work, implemented smooth scrolling, implemented sticky navigation) and started optimize Omnifood project (in progress)
008 05.22.2024 built the Mobile Navigation, responded to Phones and finished responsive design in the Omnifood project (in progress)
007 05.21.2024 responded to Tablets in the Omnifood project (in progress)
006 05.19.2024 media queries and responsive units responded to Landscape tablets in the Omnifood project
005 05.18.2024 built the footer and finish Desktop version in the Omnifood project. Start to learn the Responsive Web Design
004 05.17.2024 - :focus state
- read about gradient
- form
built the 'call-to-action' section in the Omnifood project (in progress)
003 05.16.2024 - :not() pseudo-class.
- using fractions in grid as persentages to specify values 100fr and divide them into columns
built the 'testimonial', 'gallery', 'pricing', 'feature' sections in the Omnifood project(in progress)
002 05.14.2024 how to edit images with CSS, to use a built-in icons packages (ionicons), to style texts with underline, to animate block sections built the 'featured-in' and 'meals and diets' sections in the Omnifood project(in progress)
001 05.13.2024 z-index property finished the 'how-it-works' section in the Omnifood project(in progress)