
:page_with_curl: The main project repository

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Browser Capabilities Project

Build Status Code Coverage Scrutinizer Quality Score

This tool is used to build and maintain browscap files.


$ git clone git://github.com/browscap/browscap.git
$ cd browscap
$ curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ php composer.phar install

What's changed in version 6027

BC breaks listed

  • Strict type hints have been added throughout. This may break some type assumptions made in earlier versions.
  • In many classes Setters and Getters have been removed, the parameters have been moved to the class constructor
  • Some classes are now final - use composition instead of inheritance

What's changed in version 6025

BC breaks listed

  • The grep command and the diff command were removed


  • The tests for integration testing the source files are split from the other tests
  • Tests on travis use the build pipeline now

Directory Structure

  • bin - Contains executable files
  • build - Contains various builds
  • resources - Files needed to build the various files, also used to validate the capabilities
  • src - The code of this project lives here
  • tests - The testing code of this project lives here

the CLI commands

There is actually only one cli command available.


This command is used to build a set of defined browscap files.

bin/browscap build [version]


  • version (required) the name of the version that should be built
  • output (optional) the directory where the files should be created
  • resources (optional) the directory where the sources for the build are located
  • coverage (optional) if this option is set, during the build information is added which can be used to generate a coverage report

For further documentation on the build command, see here.

CLI Examples

You can export a new set of browscap files:

$ bin/browscap build 5020-test
Resource folder: <your source dir>
Build folder: <your target dir>
Generating full_asp_browscap.ini [ASP/FULL]
Generating full_php_browscap.ini [PHP/FULL]
Generating browscap.ini [ASP]
Generating php_browscap.ini [PHP]
All done.

Now you if you look at browscap/browscap.ini you will see a new INI file has been generated.

Usage Examples

How to build a standard set of browscap files

This example assumes that you want to build all *php_browscap.ini files.

$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('browscap'); // or maybe any other PSR-3 compatible Logger

$format = \Browscap\Formatter\FormatterInterface::TYPE_PHP; // you may choose the output format you want, the format must be already supported

$resourceFolder = 'resources/'; // please point to the resources directory inside the project
$buildFolder = ''; // choose the directory where the generated file should be written to

// If you are using one of the predefined WriterFactories, you may not choose the file names
$writerCollection = (new \Browscap\Writer\Factory\PhpWriterFactory())->createCollection($logger, $buildFolder);

$dataCollectionFactory = new \Browscap\Data\Factory\DataCollectionFactory($logger);

$buildGenerator = new BuildGenerator(

$version       = '';    // what you want to be written into the generated file
$createZipFile = false; // It is not possible yet to create a zipped version of a custom named browscap file

$buildGenerator->run($version, $createZipFile);

How to build a custom set of browscap files

If you want to build a custom set of browscap files, you may not use the predefined WriterFactories.

$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('browscap'); // or maybe any other PSR-3 compatible Logger

$format = \Browscap\Formatter\FormatterInterface::TYPE_PHP; // you may choose the output format you want, the format must be already supported

$resourceFolder = 'resources/'; // please point to the resources directory inside the project
$buildFolder = ''; // choose the directory where the generated file should be written to

$propertyHolder = new \Browscap\Data\PropertyHolder();

// build a standard version browscap.json file
$jsonFormatter = new \Browscap\Formatter\JsonFormatter($propertyHolder);
$jsonFilter    = new \Browscap\Filter\StandardFilter($propertyHolder);

$jsonWriter = new \Browscap\Writer\JsonWriter('relative path or name of the target file', $logger);

// build a lite version browscap.xml file
$xmlFormatter = new \Browscap\Formatter\XmlFormatter($propertyHolder);
$xmlFilter    = new \Browscap\Filter\LiteFilter($propertyHolder);

$xmlWriter = new \Browscap\Writer\XmlWriter('relative path or name of the target file', $logger);

$writerCollection = new \Browscap\Writer\WriterCollection();

$dataCollectionFactory = new \Browscap\Data\Factory\DataCollectionFactory($logger);

$buildGenerator = new BuildGenerator(

$version       = '';    // what you want to be written into the generated file
$createZipFile = false; // It is not possible yet to create a zipped version of a custom named browscap file

$buildGenerator->run($version, $createZipFile);

How to build a custom browscap.ini

If you want to build a custom browscap file you may choose the file name and the fields which are included.

Note: It is not possible to build a custom browscap.ini file with the CLI command.

$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('browscap'); // or maybe any other PSR-3 compatible Logger

$format = \Browscap\Formatter\FormatterInterface::TYPE_PHP; // you may choose the output format you want, the format must be already supported
$file   = null; // you may set a custom file name here
$fields = []; // choose the fields you want inside of your browscap file

$resourceFolder = 'resources/'; // please point to the resources directory inside the project
$buildFolder = ''; // choose the directory where the generated file should be written to

$writerCollection = (new \Browscap\Writer\Factory\CustomWriterFactory())->createCollection($logger, $buildFolder, $file, $fields);

$dataCollectionFactory = new \Browscap\Data\Factory\DataCollectionFactory($logger);

$buildGenerator = new BuildGenerator(

$version       = '';    // what you want to be written into the generated file
$createZipFile = false; // It is not possible yet to create a zipped version of a custom named browscap file

$buildGenerator->run($version, $createZipFile);

Issues and feature requests

Please report your issues and ask for new features on the GitHub Issue Tracker at https://github.com/browscap/browscap/issues


For instructions on how to contribute see the CONTRIBUTE.md file.


See the LICENSE file.