The AGAGD is a django web application ported from the EuroGo Games Database to Python that provides:
- member information,
- top tournaments listings,
- top players listings,
- top active players,
- insights into current and past tournaments.
We welcome and encourage contributions to the AGAGD with Pull Requests (PRs), feature requests, bug reports, etc.
Contributors submitting Pull Requests (PRs) may notice some difficulty in running a local Docker configuration. That is due to changes which now require a current dump of the AGAGD database schema which is not available publically. If you are interested in contributing and would like access to the database schema, contact Steve Colburn.
Bug Triage project for the AGAGD which lists and organizes current priorites the AGA Development Team has for the AGAGD.
The AGAGD is licensed under the MIT License which can be found in LICENSE.