
"Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home, except a good Neural Network"

Primary LanguagePython

Burglary Detection in Surveillance Videos

Done by Anna Chiara Di Marco, Davide Castellini, Francesca Bianchessi, Giovanni Meggiolaro, Marco Vincenzi

Implementation of a deep-learning model to detect burglary in surveillance videos, based on the following papers:


Main tools: Python 3, Tensorflow 2.3.0

pip install -r requirements.txt


    The original dataset is taken from Sultani et al (2019) which is composed as the following:
    • 1900 videos
    • 130 hours total length 95 GigaByte size
    • 13 different crimes' categories: abuse, arrest, arson, assault, burglary, explosion, fighting, road accidents, robbery, shoplifting, stealing, vandalism
    • 1610 train videos:
      • 810 abnormal videos containing anomalous events
      • 800 normal videos where no anomaly occurs
    • 290 test videos:
      • 160 abnormal
      • 130 normal For the project it has not been used this original dataset, but a slighlty modified version. In particular, the modification that we made were the following:
    • 3 normal videos of the training were replaced by flipped-versions of 3 other normal videos, due to their too big size.
    • 20 abnormal videos, collected from scratch and concerning Italian burglaries, were added to te test set. The total test set is then composed of 310 videos.

Our project's aim is detecting the occurrence of burglary episodes. Throughout our project we analyzed whether burglary and other crimes do share common features and what would the implications of including/excluding categories far from burglary for the training process. Therefore we conducted two different experiments and modified the dataset accordingly.

    The experiment 1 dataset was built removing crimes with features too different from burglary and it is composed as the following:

    • 1810 videos
    • 1500 train videos
    • 310 test videos:
      • 290 from the original dataset
      • 20 collected
    • Anomalous videos include only crimes close to burglary; normal videos only videos where no crime occurred.
    • Removed crime categories: abuse, arson, road accidents, shoplifting
    The experiment 2 dataset was built removing crimes with features too different from burglary and it is composed as the following:

    • 1810 videos
    • 1500 train videos
    • 310 test videos:
      • 290 from the original dataset
      • 20 collected
    • Anomalous videos include only crimes close to burglary; normal videos include both videos where no crime occurred and crimes far from burglary.
    • Removed crime categories: abuse, arson, road accidents, shoplifting

How to use this repo?

    From videos as .mp4 to features as .txt
  • Using C3D Architecture:

    • c3d_extract.py = for each video in cfg.input_folder, extract the 32 features (32, 4096) and save them in a txt file located in cfg.C3D_path. To run, it needs the following file:
      1. c3d.py = definition of the C3D model, derived by Sultani, Chen and Shah (2019).
        (c3d_extract_server.py can be used if you run the codes on the entire UCF_Crimes (95 GB) train and test dataset)
  • Using I3D Architecture:

    • i3d_extract.py = for each video in cfg.input_folder, extract the 32 features (32, 1024) and save them in a txt file located in cfg.I3D_path. To run, it needs the following file:
      1. i3d.py = definition of the I3D model, derived by Carreira and Zisserman (2018).
        (i3d_extract_server.py can be used if you run the codes on the entire UCF_Crimes (95 GB) train and test dataset)

If you use as dataset only some videos, put them into the Input folder and run the extract code without the "_server" extension. Remember to put in the Input folder both the train and test videos. You don't have to change any variable or path. Results (features) are saved into C3D_Features or I3D_Features, depending on which architecture you choose.

If you use as dataset the entire UCF_Crimes dataset, you don't have to put any video in the Input folder, but change cfg.path_all_videos in configuration.py. This path should refer to the directory of the folder that contains a subfolder per each video category. Make sure the names of all these subfolders are listed in video_paths.txt. Then, run the extract codes with the "_server" extension. Results are saved in different folders, located in the directory specified by cfg.path_all_videos, such that all the features of a category are saved in the same folder.

The features we extracted, using both architectures on the entire dataset, can be downloaded from the Releases section of this repository.

  1. TRAIN
    From features as .txt to model's weights as .mat, using training data
  • Using C3D or I3D Features to train a Fully-Connected or Fully-Connected-with-LSTM model:
    • train.py = load features in a batch of 60 videos, pass them through a classifier model, compute the loss and perform a backpropagation step at each iteration (20,000 iterations are performed as suggested by Sultani, Chen and Shah(2019)). To run, it needs the following files:
      1. loss_function.py = the loss function defined by Sultani, Chen and Shah.
      2. load_trainset.py = function to load extracted features in a batch of 60 videos.
      3. classifier.py = the architecture of the training model (3 possibilities: NO_LSTM-C3D, NO_LSTM-I3D, LSTM-C3D).

Before running train.py, according to the experiment you want to implement, change the following variables in:


  • cfg.path_all_features
  • cfg.train_exp_name
  • cfg.use_i3d
  • cfg.use_lstm
  • cfg.train_0_path
  • cfg.train_1_path
  • cfg.num_0
  • cfg.num_1


  • num_iters: we choose 20K iterations
  • batch_size: we choose 60 videos; 30 are abnormal, 30 normal

Results (the model and its weights) are saved into a subfolder of the trained_models folder. This subfolder derives its name from the experiment name, defined by cfg.train_exp_name.

  1. TEST
    From model's weights as .mat to predictions on test data as .txt
  • Using C3D or I3D Features, through a Fully-Connected or Fully-Connected-with-LSTM model, to get a burglary-score prediction:
  • test.py = load extracted features (32, 4096) or (32, 1024), load a pre-trained model, per each test video multiply the corresponding 32 features by the pre-trained model's weights and return 32 burglary scores. To run, it needs the following file:
    1. classifier.py (test_server.py can be used if you run the codes on the entire UCF_Crimes test dataset)

If you use as test set only some videos, put their features .txt files in the C3D_Features or I3D_Features folder. Make sure to remove from these folders all the features of those videos that have been used for trainig. Before running test.py, choose which classifier model you want to use by changing the following variables in the configuration.py file:

  • cfg.classifier_model_weigts: weights of pre-trained model
  • cfg.use_lstm: include a LSTM layer in the classifier
  • cfg.use_i3d: input features have been extracted with I3D, hence dim = (32, 1024) instead of (32, 4096) Results (predictions for test videos) are saved into the Scores folder.

If you use as test set the entire UCF_Crimes test set, you have to run the test_server.py code. Before running the code, choose which classifier model you want to use by changing the following variables in the configuration.py file:

  • cfg.classifier_model_weigts
  • cfg.use_lstm
  • cfg.use_i3d
  • cfg.train_exp_name: name of the experiment (must be in line with the classifier_model_weights choice)
  • cfg.path_all_features: directory of the folder containing as subfolders features divided by category
  • cfg.NamesAnn_path: directory of a .txt file containing the names of the test videos that must be included for the experiment Results are saved into a folder, whose name refers to the defined experiment name, that is located in the directory specified by cfg.path_all_features.

All the predictions of our model can be downloaded from the Releases section of this repository.

  1. AUC - Area Under the Curve
    From predictions as .txt to AUC
  • Using predicted burglary-scores to estimate the model accuracy:
  • AUC.py = per each test video, load extracted features, load predictions, load ground truth and compute the Area Under the Curve. (AUC_server.py can be used if you run the codes on the entire UCF_Crimes test dataset)

If you decide to use as test set only some videos, make sure they are in the Input folder, without other videos used for training. Moreover, put only their features in the C3D_Features or I3D_Features folder and make sure their temporal annotations appear in the txt file specified by cfg.all_ann_path. Before running AUC.py, change the following variable in the configuration.py file:

  • cfg.use_i3d Results (AUC value) are printed.

If you decide to use as test set the entire UCF_Crimes test set, you have to run AUC_server.py. Before running this code, change the following variables in the configuration.py file:

  • cfg.train_exp_name
  • cfg.use_i3d
  • cfg.path_all_features
  • cfg.NamesAnn_path
  • cfg.Ann_path: directory of a .txt file containing the names of test videos and their temporal annotations Results are printed.

All the AUC results we got with our experiments, can be accessed looking at the AUC_results.txt file in this repository.

    Visualize filters and feature maps of C3D convolutional layers
  • Filters: choose a convolutional layer and select the number of the filter, specifying which are the units the filter is going to connect. These values are the inputs of the plot_filter() function in c3d_filters_featmaps.ipynb. Results (plot of one fiter) are displayed directly in the notebook.

  • Feature maps: choose a video, save its path in the "video_path" variable and if you want to visualize a specific clip, save its number in the "num_clip" variable. If you don't change this variable, the clip would be randomly selected. The clip and the corresponding 16 frames would be saved in a subfolder of Filters_FeatureMaps. Then, choose the number of the unit in the first convolutional layer (there are 64 units) and the number of the frame (among the 16 frames of the clip). These last two values are the inputs of the plot_featmap() function in c3d_filters_featmaps.ipynb. Results (plot of one feature map) are displayed directly in the notebook.

To visualize the results of our experiments, have a look at the GIF with Anomaly Score release.