Getting Started

  • clone down this repo
  • gem install jekyll
  • To preview what you're starting with, make sure you're inside of this directory, then run jekyll serve. You'll see a _site folder created. Don't modify anything inside this folder. This is the static HTML that will be generated based on what you have in the _includes, _layouts, and _posts folders, as well as which is your root page. Navigate to localhost:4000 and you'll see your site.

Modifying Content

  • index.html is your landing page. Right now, this is what you see inside:
{% for post in site.posts %}
  <h2><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h2>
  <h4>{{ | date: "%m-%d-%Y" }}</h4>
  <p>{{ post.content | strip_html | truncatewords:10}}</p>
{% endfor %}

This bit of code will iterate over all of the html files in the _posts folder and create an <h2> with the title of the post, an <h4> with the formatted date, and a 10-word preview of the post's content.

  • The _posts folder is where all of your blog entries are kept. The filename format is yyyy-mm-dd-post-title.html. Feel free to change the filename as long as you also change the headers at the top of the file to match:
title: My First Post
layout: post
date: 2015-11-25

Delete the filler content in the file and replace it with the text for your blog post. You can create more post files using the yyyy-mm-dd-post-title.html format. Posts with dates in the future will not show up.

  • _includes contains the header.html and footer.html for your page. You might want to consider adding a navbar inside of the header, and contact info inside of the footer. Notice that the tags in the footer close those in the header. The bit {{ site.title }} inside of header.html comes from the _config.yml file. If you'd like to change the title, change it inside the config file.

  • _layouts contains different layouts you can use. Right now, there is a default.html layout and a post.html layout. Default is used for the landing page (index.html), whereas post layout is used for the files inside of _posts. You can specify the layout to use in the headers:

title: My First Post
layout: post
date: 2015-11-25
  • Don't modify anything inside of the _site folder. This folder is auto-generated by Jekyll. Running jekyll serve from the command line will automatically generate this folder. Before pushing up to GitHub, make sure that this folder is up to date with your changes by running jekyll build.

Modifying Style

  • The css folder contains one stylesheet: styles.css. You can add styles inside of this file like so:
body {
  background-color: red;

(but please don't actually make your background color red)

  • If you choose to add another stylesheet, make sure to add a <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> inside of the header.html file.