
URLockbox Mid Mod Boilerplate

Primary LanguageRuby


MidModule Assessment

The URLockbox is a starter app for the mid-module assessment for backend engineering module4 at TuringSchool of Software and Design.

Be sure to get familiar with what is already done, and what is not. No features are complete, but there is some set up done for several features. Use commit history if that helps.

Testing with PhantomJS using poltergeist

The app has phantom.js, a headless webdriver installed for JS testing.


To set it up you will just need to run npm install phantomjs from within your project folder. Everything else will be installed with Bundle.


You can then write capybara feature tests and add js: true tag to each test the has JavaScript. Your tests will execute and recognize your JavaScript.

If you're having problems troubleshooting asynchronous actions (like DOM changes after an AJAX request), peruse this section of Capybara's docs

Your JavaScript

The major GOTCHA here is that phantomjs doesn't recognize es6. So if you write es6 you will need to make your file extenstion .js.es6. You should see an example test in the spec/features directory.