
Basic Django development environment for Windows using Docker.

MIT LicenseMIT


This is a work-in-progress. Use at your own risk!


This is a kit I made to quickly set up a Django development environment in Windows.

The set-up script creates a Python virtual environment and installs a list of packages, including Django. It configures PostgreSQL and Nginx using Docker. It prompts the user to install Vue.js and Webpack. Finally, it runs an application server using Django's development server.


  • Windows PowerShell
  • Docker for Windows
  • Python 3.3+
  • NPM (Optional for Vue.js + Webpack)


  1. In the ./env folder, open .env and set the variables to the values you want. A short name (~3 letters) is recommended for $COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME, used for the Django project and prefixing the Docker containers.
  2. Start up Docker for Windows.
  3. Run init.ps1, located in ./env/run. Allow the installation to fully complete, answering any prompts that appear.
  4. Run the following command while in the ./site folder to ensure the database connection is working:
python manage.py makemigrations
  1. You can access your development website on localhost:8000. Happy coding!


I'm getting a server error.

Because the application server doesn't live inside a Docker container, we need your host machine's IP address to connect Nginx to the application server. This IP address is automatically chosen during initialization from either your Wi-Fi or Ethernet adapter, so it may be incorrect. Please go into the .env file and manually set the IP address of your host machine and then run the command docker-compose up -d again to update the Nginx container.


Besides init.ps1, this kit includes four other useful scripts:

  • dump.ps1: dumps the database into ./env/db/dump.bak
  • start.ps1: starts all the project containers and the application server
  • stop.ps1: stops all the project containers
  • py.ps1: shortcut to activate virtual environment (./env/run/py vs. ./env/py/scripts/activate)